T For now, she just felt… tired. She was hungry once more, but the pain of her wound prevented her from doing much, aside from laying beneath a tree with half-lidded red eyes staring at nothing in particular. Overhead, a pair of doves worked busily to prepare their next for a brood of eggs. Rue did not bother to look up at the happy pair. When either dove flew from the nest, the sound of the air against their winds very much sounded like mourning, and Rue listened quietly. What did they have to feel sad about? They had each other, the prospect of a family… and Rue felt more keenly in that moment just how little she had. Her lip curled unconsciously into a quiet snarl. @Lilith
Lilith had nothing particular at task for the day. That seemed to be the case more and more, despite her attempts to fill her days with things of duty and meaning. She often had to remind herself that this stillness was temporary and that it was okay. Resting did not mean she was lazy.
With a soft hum, the girl made her way through the foliage until a rumbling from afar caused her to pause midstep. Her ear flickered at the noise as her ocean gaze scanned the area for the source. There wasn’t much to see, though a darkened figure beneath a tree soon caught her attention. ”Hello there,” She wished not to step over any boundaries, but the Knight inside her urged her forward to offer aid and companionship. ”It’s quite too nice of a day to spend it laying in the shade, hmm? Do you need assistance?” Lilith halted once she was a respectable distance away, eyeing the dark creature with great interest.
@Rue |