versized paws stepped carefully across the muddied path. The snow was melting as winter had finally unlocked its grip on the lands, and that day, a warm spring sun was shining overhead, casting shadows onto the ground below. There was a certain attitude there, like everyone was meant to be busy at all times. Because Cian was so new to the barracks and to army life, the boy was uncertain what to do with himself now, and he felt silly at the idea of approaching any of the older wolves here for advice. Instead, the fire-hued youth walked as if he had something to do and somewhere to be. But the look in his flaming orange sights suggested that he was rather confused.
His first birthday had come and gone with little fanfare. In the Imperial Army, there would be no celebrations of this sort. In fact, no one there even knew anything about him, much less the day of his arrival into this world. While his last name was possibly familiar to some, his first name was yet unimportant to those who served their king with zeal … even if it meant giving up their own lives for the cause. This future had been forced into Cian’s brain his whole life. He knew what was expected of him. When the time came to fight, he would not hesitant.
So… Now what?