By the time the news had traveled to Gwen’s ears, the squabble had grown cold. A rebellion, one sure to leave victims on either side injured, had occurred at the castle. For the politics of it she cared not, only that an ache had begun in her chest as word spread like wildfire of the protest. The discomfort had quickly traveled, forcing her limbs to act before her mind could think to comply. Abandoning the negotiations before her, the fae found herself gathering her things in a rush. Herbs and small trinkets were scattered into the hide haphazardly, the fae unable to swallow around the urgency trapping her throat in a vice. Wares packed and pouch secured around her, she began her hurried dash for the castle grounds.
The air bit at her nose as she ran, numbing her flesh as it was exposed. Of all days, this one was particularly bitter, as if Winter realized it would soon fade and tried in vain to take as much life with it as it could. It had very nearly taken her, the weight of grief another burial beneath a snow-covered hill. Gwendolyn would not allow it to do so, however. Goddesses paid no mind to such temperamental elements, so why should she? The fae rounded a bend, shoving her way through a couple speaking engagedly as she set her gaze upon the castle. Unlike most things, the earth was trying and failing at claiming the mass of stone. Towers rose alongside trees, standing strong despite their crumbling exteriors. She didn’t dare imagine what kind of carnage might lay inside.
Slowing to scan her surroundings, Gwen stopped completely upon noticing a young fae wandering the streets. If her battered and scared appearance was an indication, then the price of such protests had claimed children as well. Puffing slightly for breath she approached the girl, halting a healthy distance away and lowering herself to the girl’s level. “Hello young one. My name is Gwendolyn,” she said softly, trying not to startle the youngling. “I can see you’re hurt, would you mind if I took a look?” Her heart broke to imagine what she’d seen, wanting nothing more than to comfort the child as a mother would. Violet eyes scanned the girl, noting injuries as she remained in her crouched position. As much as she desired to get to work, she would not encroach on her space without consent.