A Still, it was not the crowd that interested her the most, nor the scarlet blossom resting at her paws as her eyes searched for a certain familiar face, dark and handsome. She had half a mind to doubt that the other would show, for whichever reason could easily be conjured. They were little more than strangers, really, which served as motivation for her invitation that cold evening. Rhiannon was motivated to change that, though their private meeting in the forest previously had been… intimate. There was more to understanding another, more to knowing someone, than simply observing and acknowledging that which makes them so intriguing. Really, Rhiannon simply wanted more of this enigmatic creature, cloaked in darkest night, who called herself Nyx. Amethyst sights roamed the unfamiliar faces crowding near the garden, and though she remained resolved, she could not help but wonder if coming to a place like this was a mistake. There was something unspoken lurking in the minds and hearts of these strangers, Rhiannon could sense as much as most of the crowd avoided eye contact with the pewter femme. She was not there for their amusement. She was there for her own desires. @Nyx
i used to wake up with the moon praying for the sun to die soon The night is so alive — so many wolves all gathered here tonight, all wearing masques and lost in great merriment and enjoying the performances and refreshments the king had prepared. The energy of the crowd invigorates her and lifts her spirits, for she can feel the spirit of Dionysos tonight. The only thing wrong is everyone's sobriety, the inhibitions they've yet to release. They may sip wine but they do not indulge in it. i used to get caught in the clouds, with blood on my face, with the strangest smile hoping for the wind to carry me away |
The sight of the sleek ebony wolf brought a distinct pleasure to the stormy woman, eyes ablaze as she watched the other approaching. "This is not your crowd, I take it?" Rhiannon smirked. ”One would imagine they think well enough of themselves to not be concerned with my sort,” she responded, mirth in her eyes. ”But the queer looks they cast toward me are rather shameless, indeed, in their condemnation. All the more reason for our presence, then. “ She wore a mischievous expression, visible despite the feathered mask she wore. @Nyx art & code by alexandre |
i used to wake up with the moon praying for the sun to die soon The intensity of the enchantress's gaze is a shock that jolts the prince's spirit, reigniting her desires. Nyx's words are received with a dazzling smirk and a comment suggesting these wolves think themselves too good to concern themselves with one such as herself. i used to get caught in the clouds, with blood on my face, with the strangest smile hoping for the wind to carry me away |
"What sort is that? Attractive, well-spoken, and divinely favored?" Rhiannon exhaled deeply, savoring each syllable as it left the other’s tongue. Though Nyx’s features were mostly obscured, the enchantress found herself enraptured at the appearance of the Phantom. ”Such flattery.” Much like her greedy gaze, she did not bother to conceal her pleasure, and she moved closer while still not filling the night air between them. @Nyx art & code by alexandre |
i used to wake up with the moon praying for the sun to die soon The sound of that sigh paired with the closer proximity does a lot to stir those deeper urges. Nyx finds herself leaning in, unconscious of the action, as if compelled by the moonlit temptress. So close and yet so far... Her eyes drift up to catch that smile, as Rhiannon doubts these party-goers envy her. Her own smile subsiding, Nyx doesn't miss the way the other's voice trails a moment before she simply says, ”They are not like you and I.” i used to get caught in the clouds, with blood on my face, with the strangest smile hoping for the wind to carry me away |