Her heart in her mouth, she runs like she has never ran before, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Scurrying down the alleyway, her feet kick up clouds of dust as she scrambles across loose gravel, unwilling to let the uneven terrain slow her down. Once or twice, she feels as if her chaser might grab her and pumps her legs even harder, determined to get away from them.
She feels her luggage hitting her side with repetitive rhythm, the edges pressing almost painfully into her ribs. The weight of it serves to encumber her, but she does her best to keep it all on her shoulders. There are no places to hide in the open street, common sense telling her that turning into a random alleyway would prove more stupid than clever. Her breaths sound loud in her ears, fast and panicked outputs of air wheezing in her chest, and she knows that she will not be able to last much longer. She can hear the paces of her chaser close behind her, their steps syncopated with her own. It's difficult to tell just how close they are, but she daren't look behind her. Staring fearfully into the ever-swirling fog, she hopes that she will reach some main street—safety—soon.
The depths of her surroundings are too hindered by the mist and she realises too late the impending crash onto another person. Chin making contact with a solid chest, nose smashing into their shoulder, she feels as if her entire body compresses momentarily from the force. The male stumbles once but holds his ground and before she can say anything, she's being spun. Too winded to speak, she can only lean on her saviour as she tries to catch her breath, noisily gasping behind him.
"Who goes there?" he calls into the mist with an authoritative tone, the words sounding practiced. Nose twitching as she samples his scent profile, she notices that he smells like Victorian. A soldier, she thinks with relief as she practically deflates on the spot. She's safe.
The shrouded figure does not come out of the mist, most likely having also come to the realisation that the man between them is one of the military. Peering over the soldier's shoulder, she trembles as her hunter retreats, forever to be faceless. She almost wishes she could have seen them so that she could dispel that spectre-like illusion around them. Ghosts have never scared her, but they might now after this ordeal.
"Are you alright, Miss? You were not harmed?" asks her saviour, gentleness softening his tone to become consoling. She stares up into unique dual-toned eyes, finally able to wake from her shock-induced stupor. With a cursory glance, she sees that he is truly a man of the Mainlands. In his features and voice, she can see and hear the bearings of aristocracy; in his stance, it's clear that he is a knight of the Imperial army. Nodding, she tries to keep herself from shaking, both from the adrenaline rush and from the utter terror she had experienced. Oh, the sheer luck she has managed to strike today.
"Thank you, s-sir," she says, her voice watery and wobbly. "T-Thank you. That was so-" Tears suddenly spring into her eyes and she heaves a sob, the stress from the entire situation overcoming her. "That was so scary."
She tries to blink them away as best as she can, not wanting to cry in front of a stranger. Lifting a paw to wipe away the wetness, she ducks her head to hide away her, no doubt, unsightly look. "Thank goodness I bumped into you. Thank you." Peering apologetically over her curled paws, she mumbles meekly, ears folding back. "I hope I didn't hurt you?"