Security had tightened in the mainlands once the whispers of Prince Jacob's return reached the south. How long the tenuous peace would last Xandria did not know, but she was determined to do her part by volunteering for extra shifts. Her assignment for the day was Eleanor Square. A place of bittersweet memories. She remembered accompanying her father on his patrols, boldly announcing to everyone they greeted that she would protect them from 'bad guys'. Of course that was when the world was simple. Black and white. Before the war that had changed everything and changed her.
Flickers of memories tried to tear open raw wounds anew when she watched a young pup trailing happily after an older male wolf she assumed was the child's father. She tore her gaze away and continued her circle around the square. Focus! the sharp reprimand came from within. She couldn't afford to get distracted.
Xandria had little time for social calls outside of family. She did try to make time to spend a night at the Tiamat's residence at least once a week. Otherwise she preoccupied herself with work, trying to bury herself in duties so that she didn't have to deal with her emotions. It was working for now, but she was starting to struggle with the obsessive workload that she'd thrust upon herself.