sonder winter 1711

Mirah Zyphear

tertiary character • played by Wisper
4 posts 25 points
Spring 1704
4 years old
At first glance, it would be safe to say that Mirah certainly makes a lasting impression, her posture pristine and elegant as though she's not touching the ground at all. She steps with purpose but makes it effortless with rhythm like she is dancing through life, her warm and kind gaze inviting you to join her. Not shy in her behavior, her eyes like the ocean seem to bore through, unwrapping the very depths of your soul with a sultry smile that keeps all she has seen a secret. The voice she carries is one that's soothing, motherly, and gentle, the edge of its tone softened and playful, flirtatious even, but carries with it an abundant amount of confidence that reassures and makes others feel safe in her presence.

Lean and athletic, legs long and lithe, flesh curved in all the right places, and tail especially plush, Mirah is a sight to behold. As a proud lover of the image and being known to be quite vain, she holds self-cleanliness as a priority in her daily routine.

fur palette
eye colour
Lavender & Chamomile
Mirah is a woman with a deep love of the world. Unapologetically, she lives each day to the fullest helping who she can and making memories with any who cross her path. While carrying herself in a manner that expresses maturity, it's not uncommon for her to joke around and have fun whenever she can. As the vain creature she is, Mirah has an interest in keeping her appearance pristine and luscious, but isn't one to shy away from admiring the beauty in others as well and certainly letting them know. Above all, however, she is a Knight, a healer who has taken her oaths to protect, cure and guide, and strives to be a beacon for all who has lost themselves in the darkness.

To Protect the Weak. To Cure the Ill. To Guide the Lost.

Taking the Order's oaths to heart, Mirah still hears the words whisper in her soul, urging her forward, and the vows she promised in front of ghosts singing in her ears. If not for her, then for them. She, as a knight, is dedicated in both her work as a healer and her stance as a shield of those who cannot be for themselves. Often becoming passionate in doing the most she can in every situation, helping however she’s able, she can come off as motherly and overbearing, especially to children or her siblings. Though she tries to maintain a certain kind of distance, Mirah has a knack for becoming invested in something quickly and putting her all into it until the very last moment regardless of who tells her no. Though overwhelming at times, no one can deny that the place she comes from is one of genuine kindness and a wish and need to help those around her to the full extent of her ability.

Your Body is a Temple and the World is a Gift

Learning about herbs and how to heal others naturally placed a fixation on the health of others and herself. How coats shined, how eyes shimmered, and how one ate. In turn, Mirah had begun to admire how the wolf form moved, how it twisted, and how her own fur glimmered like snow under a certain type of lighting. Though it started as an interest, overtime she adopted a vain sense of upkeep, preening herself and making sure her body felt as pleasant to her as possible. The body was the only form you had, so why not treasure it? Why not love it? Why not worship it?
Not stopping at the individual, the woman sees beauty in everything and understands fundamentally that everything holds importance, a purpose. She steps out into the world with that empathy when interacting with it, which causes her to take a gentler approach in almost all situations she comes across. With an eye for detail, she relishes in praising whatever comes across her path while flaunting her own.

Service with a Smile

On the surface, Mirah is most inclined to hide the ‘ugly’ parts of her personality from others; the parts that conflict with her genuine love of the world, the dark recesses that cling along the edges of her mind. Though she doesn’t ignore them, often exploring them when she is alone to better understand, this can be interpreted as her putting on false airs at times, but she is rather good at it and only her family has been known to tell what's real and fake. However, a stranger or an enemy would have difficultly seeing the difference, if at all. The same soothing smile remains on her face to both her friends and foes, hiding the daggers behind her lips to any who cross her.

Celebrate Life! It's far too short to waste away

Having found the act of brewing to be fun, and the act of sharing it more so, Mirah isn’t one to pass up a good revelry. Seeing the edge wash away is always pleasant to watch, strangers becoming a little more gentle and little more open with each other, sharing smiles that may have never been otherwise. Though she’s reserved when drinking, she certainly has her own type of fun and is known to braid fur from time to time. Understanding how to brew meads have given her many days of quiet bliss and isn't one to be stingy when sharing her happiness with anyone she comes across.
Neutral Good
Compliments, Admiration, Knighthood
attracted to

~1710 (Fae-touched)

Reaching the edges of a foreign land, the aches in her bones after a long and arduous journey seemed to melt away, the tatters of her pristine coat revitalizing into how it was when she was still a child, free of the loneliness that tore into her shoulders. How odd it felt, though curiosity would keep her she had to admit. It was as though someone had turned back the clock and she wasn't about to squander it.

~1707 - ?

For a moment in time, Mirah had been graced with blessings she believed only capable within her dreams. Her siblings, first thrown about by the world's cruel jest had found each other again. Perhaps it was in her own fear of loss or her inability to let go of the past, she watched each depart where their hearts pulled them. Some had taken residence in the foreign land while others had vanished just as quickly as they had appeared.

It was only a matter of time before she, too, had felt that gentle tug to continue on and leave what she found behind, though it likely was moreso out of concern for her dear cherished brother whom she was never to see again. She couldn't recall, however, much during this time.

1704 - 1706

Born second, Mirah was most like her mother in personality. She was kind, confident, gentle, but unafraid of voicing her opinion. She was trained in the art of war like her other siblings, but she found far more interest in flora and its potential. As such, she studied beneath the careful eye of the best healer in the order, learning about the properties and purpose of plants.

From a young age, she experimented, specializing not only in herbal remedies but also in poison. Mirah can create a concoction to ease your pains, and she can also kill you slowly and painfully, should she deem you deserving of a prolonged death — not that this happens often! She also brews, using tortoise shells buried beneath the ground or in old man-made barrels. She discovered the fermentation process for her potions, and has utilized this mainly for ales and meads. Wolves generally don’t need much for the inebriated effect, but she can provide for special occasions, nonetheless.

When Mirah fled the raging fires, she felt a throbbing of deep sorrow in her heart. She lost her parents, her pack, her friends and mentors. But she would not lose her hope, too.

Tyra Zyphear & Orex Zyphear
Talfor (M), Rafiel (M), Edric (M), Lilith (F)
Aunt to: Nymeria, Virelai, Toulose, Rook, Polaris; Merrin (Shield-Sister)



Traces of burned scarring along her paw pads, trouble breathing in smoky areas
