sonder winter 1711

Evelyn Honeywind

primary character • played by Stone
18 posts 95 points
Spring 1707
4 years old
College of Eòlas
The description of prim and proper comes to mind when looking over the beautiful Evelyn. Always taking her appearance into consideration, wanting to look her best and be her best self she can be. The female stands at a medium height, but it appears she may be on the more fluffy side - which is from her thicker coat that is a tad longer than the usual length of other wolves. One of her most dashing features would be her bright and glistening eyes. Behind those eyes are a thousand stories that nobody will ever hear. It is easy to get lost in them.

Most of her form is covered in the soft and creamy colors of sandstone, light tans and creams. She does have a few darker areas that litter her coat, making them stand out more in contrast to the rest of her form. The dark brown color also goes down the front of her legs, and at the very tip of her tail and ears. A dark triangle rests beneath her eyes, while an almost "heart-like" shape makes up her eyebrows. She is everything one might imagine an angel to look like.

fur palette
eye colour
pine needles
From a very young age, it was apparent that Evelyn was a thinker more so than one who immediately acts/responds. Because of this, it was encouraged for her to gain an education and use her natural skills to her advantage. The first thing that was recognized in her, was the amount of patience she seemed to have - even for a pup. It was like she would rather watch the others getting into trouble, and making new discoveries than actually partaking in any of the excitement young pups usually found themselves getting into. She enjoyed her time of just watching the world move around her, listening to whatever juicy conversations her little ears could be within reach of. Evelyn sure was shaping up to be the odd one out of her family, and she was completely fine with it. She danced to the beat of her own drum for all of her life. She was the only one driven to have a career in something that did not have anything to do with fighting or selling.

After a year, wolves started to come to her in confidence, often seeking her opinions about certain situations. In her college years, this was blatantly obvious as more and more of her classmates had come to her with their drama, issues, and baggage. She did not mind listening to it all and giving an outsider's point of view. The others trusted her, and she never broke their trust - never shared any of the stories she heard from anyone. It was her own treasure trove of secrets that she often reflected on, learning from the lessons of those who were far more spontaneous than herself.

Never being afraid of a challenge, Evelyn did have a wild hair every now and then, playing games such as truth or dare, and she was not too shy when it came to showing her consideration for others. It was in her second year that she realized, it really did not matter the gender of the wolf in question. It was their heart, their attributes, the way that they made her feel. She was attracted to the soul, and it was in this that she secured her first and only girlfriend for a few months. While she was invested in the relationship, the other had claimed after a few months that it was only "experimental". Evelyn chalked it up to dating someone in the science arena, and never really was hurt by such actions of the other. She knew that love was a tricky game and one could not force another to love them. In all of her life, she has never allowed her emotions to get the better of her.

Lawful Good
flowers, good communication, silence
boisterous individuals, impatience, religion
attracted to
Henry and Scarlet came from a very posh and exquisite background, and thus, raised their young in this manner. Three litters of pups, and Evelyn was from the middle litter, and through all of those pups, she stood out from the rest of them. Not in her physical traits, but the things that made her tick, the things that made her who she was. She was a rare diamond among so much coal. All of them were beautiful in their own ways, but while she was not only physically beautiful, her mind was a powerful tool. They pushed for her to attend the college when she was old enough and ended up getting her degree to become a therapist. Over the years she helped many, from all walks of life and political preferences. She holds no grudges and lives her day to day to help those around her.
Henry & Scarlet Honeywind


