Constantine is less wolf and more jungle cat, with the typical prowling gait and sprawling presence of a feline creature. He is slow and languishing, and is known for holding court in spots of sunlight.
fur paletteEarthen
eye colourOrange
scentMahogany & Teakwood
Constantine is the nobleman with the personality of a prince. He is often calm, unmovable, with a wicked tongue and smile. He has an easy way about him that might suggest softness to the unpracticed eye--but his edges are sharp, as is his wit. Constantine has entitlement that his family has paid good coin for, and he drapes himself in the authority that cold hard cash brings. He is arrogant, and he can be rude. But he is as multi-faceted as he is unpredictable, and it is impossible to tell what side of him one might get. He is shifting, changing, at one moment bored and the next jesting and the very next spitting blood from his mouth. His coolness does not always bespeak apathy, and his smile is rarely ever soft, for his teeth are sharp, and he knows how to bite.
alignmentTrue Neutral
attracted toAll
Wealth, status, and court intrigue: these are the ingredients from which Constantine makes his poisons. He hails from old money, a family with enough history to fill tomes, and he knows it.