sonder winter 1711
5 years old
Traveling Knight
Polished, clean, and refined, Rafiel's coat is spun to perfection and soft to the touch, a flawless compilation of earth, sand, and gold. His father provided the tender colors of his pelt, gentle on the eye, ultimately a tribute to the land upon which they dwell. His nose is a dark bistre, and from there, his fur starts along his snout upward around his eyes as a beautiful golden tan, like the color of a sweet tea, flavored with honey. Shades of sepia are sprinkled through, covering this upper coat with not a solid color, but a careful alloy of many hues, gilded with molten sheen. This brown travels along his shoulders and covers most of his flank and loin, trailing down to the tip of his tail. Rafiel's undercoat is a rich sand, a splash of cream, and lines his muzzle and belly, down to his legs and beneath his tail. Perhaps what is most unique about his coat is the shade circling his eyes, a darker chocolate that seems to have no beginning and no end—it simply harmonizes with his base color, a careful blend that integrates smoothly with the rest of his pelt.

His mother, however, left little impression on his appearance with the exception of his build—slender and lithe, the physique of the runner, although he is far taller than average. But unlike Tyra's feminine accents, Rafiel is more muscular, that of a healthy, young man who enjoys the feel of earth between his toes. His muscles ripple beneath his coat as he moves, evidence of his strength and vigor, while his gait is proud and strong. Rafiel holds his head high, not arrogantly, but with dignity, someone who believes that he life is filled with meaning. From neither of his parents, he received a pair of oceanic blue eyes, bestowed upon hin by his grandmother. There is often a smile upon his handsome face, the expression of a blissful, lost prince who is happy to serve the throne, rather than sit in it.

fur palette
eye colour
Extra Large
Bergamot and jasmine
He is a lost star, a prince of his peoples, both charismatic and true. A knight at heart, not for the glory or the fight of conquest, but for the opportunity to help others, rich or poor, strong or weak, He is pure in his intentions, sincere, equipped with mirthful glee and fragrant words. He likes poetry and prose, his personality magnetic and charming. He has wooed many ladies in his time, not for any ill-conceived notions, of course, but for the sheer joy of befriending others, drawing them to his natural allure.

Rafiel Zyphear, fearless and bold, is enraptured by the new, the novel, and even though family has tied him close to home for most of his life, he has always wanted to venture out, to explore new lands, and find the limit of his possibilities. He is optimistic, likely to think the best of people, and not quick at all to judge his fellow wolf. He would gladly leap into the jowls of a raging river to rescue victims, give them his own food, and sleep next to them for the night as they dried their pelts.

A man of honor and duty, he adheres to vows of his noble lineage, and although there are many varying interpretations of their doctrine, Rafiel believes that kindness is the best policy. He enjoy the smiles of others, making their laugh and striking up a good conversation. He will dance and sing while the stars wheel up above, showering the beautiful world in which he lives with blessings and light.

His desire to beget happiness for others is contagious, though some may argue that he is careless. He may overlook important details in favor of an affable conversation or a lope in the forest. Nevertheless, he is a man of many talents, willing and more than glad to share them with you.

attracted to
Rafiel is the third-born to Tyra and Orex Zyphear. Surprisingly enough, he is the largest of the litter, eventually surpassing even his own father in size. Still, even as a pup, one would notice that he never used size to his advantage in play or to bully others for food or resources. He was always quite gentle, despite his size, and he took his mother’s teachings to heart when it came to kindness and compassion. He always was a bit of a mama’s boy.

He trained as a knight from a young age. Orex discovered that even though Rafiel tended toward peace and harmonious interactions, likely to negotiate before engaging in a battle, he was a fearsome opponent. The advantage of size became immediately apparent once he committed to a fight; he was fast on his paws, naturally skilled at managing both momentum and acceleration. He could multi-task on the battlefield, split his attention between two or three different enemies. He knew to guard his flank, to protect his paws. Orex’s only disappointment in Rafiel was that he never truly applied himself to the art of battle — his natural talent propelled him forward, but it was not a passion or skill he wished to hone.

Still, Rafiel did it, if only to please his family. Knights were rarely as large as he, and he would be an immense benefit to the order. He cruised through his training, using his free time, not to study, but to flirt and fraternize, making friends easily. He was the talk of the town with his handsome features and alluring personality.

He has a strenuous relationship with his brother, Talfor, who felt that Rafiel took the easy way out. He was far too carefree for his own good, neglecting his potential while fulfilling fun, social contracts.

Rafiel is best friends with his beloved sister, Mirah. They both have a degree of childlike glee in them, and he brings this out of her with his playful antics.

He has a decent, though reticent, relationship with Edric. Edric doesn’t have much in common with him and doesn’t usually strike up conversations, which is why Rafiel often goes elsewhere for entertainment.

Of course, he and Lilith get along just fine. He was her primary play partner when they were young, and now he teases her benevolently — all in good nature.

To his knowledge, his beloved parents perished in the great fire. Although he misses them dearly, he feels it his duty to carry on the name of the Zyphears and the tenants of the order of knights in the way he thinks is best.

During his travels, he meets Merrin, his closest companion, and they return to a land close to his own, ready to tackle the adventures that lay before them.

Tyra and Orex
Talfor, Mirah, Edric, and Lilith



