Born in the spring to a budding queen, Sethos reveled in a proper childhood with his sister. Although his father was not as present as he would come to wish for, he was thankful for what he had. Days the young man would spend trailing his father's footfalls, nipping at Xandria's heels, ever-happy to serve his role in the society he had been placed upon. | In a rebellion not many months after his birth, his father was killed while fighting alongside his older sister, Cairo. While the news came with his mother's success, it did little to numb the hollow ache. For weeks afterwards, he would sink into himself. With only one parent and his idol vanquished, he clung more tightly to his remaining family. | When his mother was cast down, he found it within himself to step up. Over time, those invisible wounds have slowly closed. It was almost fate when his mother married Kvothe. As a result of their union, Sethos was given a second chance to believe in a strong, whole family dynamic. In recent weeks, he spends time honing his skills provided by training in the army, content to serve as protector and soldier. |