Getting past these two mutations there isn't really anything that remarkable about Ver. He is simply a more muted version of his brother. Though there is the shared foamy green eyes of the same shading.
Pale grey brown coloring makes up most of his form with dune colored accenting upon his limbs, neck, and down upon his snout. Dark ears and dark tail are both tipped in white. White also makes up his undersides, cheeks, and toes. There is also a white cape upon his back that is flecked through in darker tones.
(Open to changing based on IC interactions)
Already being an outcast what did it matter if he started to talk to the shadows that appeared to his left side only? No one believed that they spoke back. Ver always assumed they were the Fae. They had placed their curse upon him and then they continued to taunt him. No one else ever remarked upon seeing the shadows that Ver saw.
Coming into the age of maturity Ver learned of a third curse placed upon him. After all, all good curses were threefold. He was destined to be like his mothers, wanting the attention of the same sex. It was just one more further shame upon his family.