1. to foretell, especially from omens. 2: a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval. Something was in the air. Instinctively, Rhiannon understood that some mistake had been made, that a wrong was committed that required punishment from the unseen, those that watched the living and dictated their good fortunes – or deepest disasters. Her companion and messenger, a crow called Badb, cast a dark shadow on the dry, cracking earth below. She circled the air twice, reminiscent of a vulture, before descending, landing before Rhiannon with a serious expression. Her dark eyes blinked, and her feathered head shook. There was no need for words here; Rhiannon already knew that the bird’s mission to find a source of water had been a failure. Every creek was dry, the once rushing rivers muddy and undrinkable. A sigh parted the she-wolf’s dark lips. Even here, in the Highlands, there was no relief from the heat and the thirst. She wondered aloud: ”Who is it…” Amethyst orbs turned to the cloudless sky. It was nearly evening, but the world was still blistering. ”Who has committed the sins that could warrant this punishment?” @Elwynn
"The Fae want blood and they've yet to fulfill their cravings. So they sent the heat to take it." The voice was hushed, like that of a phantom, and the feminine tones caused Rhiannon’s ears to prick forward curiously. For a swift, passing moment, Rhiannon wondered if the spiritual, the unseen forces that controlled the lives of mortals, spoke to her from behind that invisible veil. But a quick glance discovered a wolfess, one who did not appear at death’s door, but did not exactly look well, either. @tag art & code by alexandre |
"I do not pretend to know why they want what they want. But I know if they'd gotten it, this heat would not have come." The stormy enchantress remained focused, eyes not wavering as the other spoke. And Rhiannon agreed, of course, but the answer remains unsatisfactory for the determined witch. ”I believe –” She began, with some hesitance, eyeing the stranger again; despite any misgivings, Rhiannon continued. ”I believe the current ruler of these lands has evoked anger from the unseen. A punishment we all now bare, whether or not we support the kind.” art & code by alexandre |
Fair Elwynn seemed to agree with Rhiannon’s view of the situation, stating aloud, "A curse might be just the thing we need.” The tempestuous fae smiled in response, grateful to see that there were others out there in the world who saw the situation for what it was. A despot like King Adamh and his ilk could only be stopped in one decisive way. War might do the trick, but then others would die needlessly – not that Rhiannon was particularly interested in sparing those who cared to fight, that was their own business. But what war could not do, a curse certainly could… art & code by alexandre |