sonder winter 1711

unwanted house guests

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Retired Soldier

from Saora
7 years old

fall on your sword...
Argent felt old, he wasn’t really old, but the strain his injury had on his body added years to the former captain. At four he should have served for at least another three years in the army and proudly settled into retirement with a silvered muzzle and an ache in his bones. He had the ache, an unnatural ache that made his ribs feel tight and tender with each breath he took. As reward for his service he had been granted a patch of land to live in with an old musty cellar beneath a wooden hatch for him to take residence within. The former rodent occupants hadn’t been pleased with a wolf moving into their home and he still found one or two skittering around half a year later.

”Bloody rats,” he cursed loud enough for his voice to be heard from above. The hatch door was open and letting sunshine into his home through the stone steps leading down. The light reflected off a set of beady black eyes and he heard the scratch of pale pink paws scurrying against stone flooring. His rodent problem was quickly becoming more than the injured veteran could handle and he knew he would have to employ a hunter before their numbers grew impossible to deal with.

code by claerie
11-14-2021, 08:39 AM


3 years old

Lingering upon the land akin to an auburn barghest, domain stretching over green canopies and betwixt gnarled roots that jut from the ground, only here does Ren find sanctuary. She has hunted in many forests upon this mortal plane, teeth wrapped around innocuous throats and running towards the setting sun. Constantly uprooting herself in the name of independence, always forgetting where her seeds were planted with each cycle. A self-destructive relentless struggle that in her youth she failed to properly realize. Alas, she lingers not on the past, dwelling her fate only in the present. Upon another travel, her large figure finds rest beside the riverbed, peering in and observing herself. Rarely does she inspect herself for any new injuries for everything paled in comparison to her marring facial scars, ghosts of pain still bringing phantom chills. She counts (one, two ..) new nicks upon her face and she almost gets the notion to wash whatever crusted blood remained, until she hears a voice, loud enough to startle nearby birds. Rising to attention, large head swiveling around until she finds the source: a cellar, nearly hidden weren't for the open door. Never a coward (and always a fool), against better judgement, she approaches and pokes her head inside.

When brown eyes adjusted to the darkness, only curious black eyes stared back, squeaking in protest at the sudden intruder at their doorstep. There did the larger wolf stand between it all, the source of the voice and undoubtedly agitated with such meddlesome roommates. "You're infested." Ren announces loudly to alert him to the older male to her presence, attention enraptured with the scuttling creatures, thick pink tails flicking in the darkness. She's no ally of such ugly rodents, that's to be sure. "… Unless you're collecting rats?" A snide remark slipping past a brown maw; she's aware that that's not the case in this situation. A foreleg reaches out and steps upon the cold stone, beginning her descent. "How long have you had them?"
/ sorry about the super late response, my next reply will be better <3
template © bean
11-28-2021, 10:36 PM

Retired Soldier

from Saora
7 years old

fall on your sword...
Argent’s complaints were loud enough to echo from beyond the confines of his home. The walls of the cellar bouncing the volume of his curses into the outside world. It didn’t take long for curious ears to come investigate the source of the sound and peek inside the entryway of the rat infested hole in the ground. He wasn’t squeamish when it came to vermin, but there was something revolting about seeing them moving around like a small invading army.

You’re infested. A voice observed, causing him to spin around in surprise. Her brown eyes saw the state of his living conditions and Argent felt embarrassed to have been caught living like in such a mess. Collecting rats? ”Of course not,” he objected, giving the rodents a pointed glare as if to enforce his distaste for them. ”It’s just.. Well.. they kind of got out of hand,” he begrudgingly muttered in admittance, a flush of warmth filling his cheeks and ear tips. It didn’t deter the woman from entering his home and he didn’t object to her inviting herself inside. He had left his door open after all.

”Half a year… I don’t go home much,” another reluctant grumble followed another admission. It was easier to avoid the rats than to admit that he was no longer capable of dealing with them himself. His broken ribs made darting around after them very painful.

code by claerie
11-30-2021, 08:42 AM
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