Aurelia Rose
ღ a gentle breeze meandered through the empty streets of ivarness as the sun began to set. this was the best time, aurelia had found, to slip into the city and wander her usual haunts. it was quiet and calm as the citizens of rionnach closed down their shops and curled up in their beds for the night. what was left was a peaceful quiet.
it was easier for her to navigate this way, without all the bustle to distract her from her job. the days grew longer and warmer, but so too did the nights. aurelia felt at this point almost as if she belonged. she'd been able to ease her way into this and now approaching strangers seemed like second nature to her. not always did they partake, nor did they exchange goods with her only for what she offered. sometimes, they just wanted company... a friend, an ear to listen. and those were the men she loved most. the ones who only wanted someone to lay with them and talk till the morning, till they had to get up and get ready for their own jobs that she realized not everyone liked. but they had to work, for all that they had. it was a shame, but she wouldn't go back to living alone in the wilderness. an unfamiliar scent caught her attention and she turned, dark-rimmed ears twitching back and forth to capture the sound around her. silvery eyes saw only shadows and lights as the sunset faded and night consumed the land. soon, she was swathed in the usual darkness, one much deeper than what she experianced during the day. it didn't bother her as she set off to find the nearby man. as she walked, her hips swayed and she held her head up, gazing about as if the motion was naturel or useful. she couldn't see a thing but her paws knew where they were going, she'd walked this town so many times she knew it well. once she neared the man, she paused, caution seeping into her step as she smiled and said softly "it's a beautiful night tonight..."
"..." code by rae
Large paws dragged across the earth, the effort to keep them from doing so was clearly lacking. He was worn, beaten, tired from his travels and only wished to do nothing more than find a place to lay his head. A man who often kept himself in the walls of the city now lingered past them and barely even turned his cheek. Finding Kyros was a thing of the past, and while it was a wound that he was sure wouldn't heal he was well aware he could do nothing other than move forward from it. His past taught him such, looking back would never bring them back and so he found himself here once more, corning back to square one. "speech" |
Aurelia Rose
ღ the man's ackoledgment pulled her further from caution. there was no irritation in her tone and he'd addressed her comment easily enough. his deep voice was somewhat comforting, she found, and for that she was grateful. sometimes these nights were all too lonely despite the men she spent them with. they weren't anything to her, she'd come to realize, just a means to an end. a transaction. though some stood out more among others. those that were kind and gentle were often confused in her head even though she tried her best to push those thoughts away. she didn't belong to them, she belonged to someone else...
aurelia's ears flicked atop her head and her silvery eyes trailed towards his face. "beautiful... but lonely," she mused softly. she glanced away, as if thoughtful, but she wasn't really looking at anything. "i could help with that, if only for a night." she added, returning her gaze towards him. she hoped he was not as oblivious as that kind boy she'd met not too long ago. most men knew what she was insinuating without her having to outright say it. though some were actaully looking for her (or others) and there was no need for questions or small talk. she liked it better that way. to describe such indecent acts was rather unbecoming.
"..." code by rae
She was not a woman who held back and her intentions would become very clear very quickly. In his mind to spend the night would be in a sense that was nothing other than innocent, but as the months and even year passed he had come to learn to also not be so naïve. Had this been a time awhile ago he would have taken her up on her offer, not to bed her, but to have a place to spend the night without worry of looking over his shoulder. He would have found this conversation to be innocent, lacking any kind of innuendos. "I respectfully decline your offer," Anteros would have much rather been alone. "speech" |
Aurelia Rose
ღ his mood flipped quickly once he realized what she had approached him for. she shrunk away slightly, her ears folding against her head at the harshness in his tone. she could sense his irritation but she couldn't understand why he seemed so quick to become upset by her propisition. she was rarely denied in this way, so the whole thing was unfamiliar territory for her. she swallowed when he dismissed her and she could hear him turning away, his claws scraping against the earth as he walked further from her. she straightened up somewhat, her brow creasing in confusion. she didn't want to anger him further, but... but what had she done?
she took a couple steps after him, ears now perked to catch the sounds of his paw steps and her tail out as the fur along her back bristled. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend." she called after him. she paused again, hunching her head slightly as she blinked and looked about the darkness. it seemed he was not going to stop and he was not interested in giving her anymore of his time. she felt a mixture of confusion and shame as she turned to head further into the city. had she done something wrong? exit aurelia
"..." code by rae
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2021, 10:44 AM by Aurelia.)