@Áine |
There's a faint hum drifting in the breeze, a high-pitched drone ringing through the trees as she lays in meditation. A sign of the Fae, she thinks without fear, they must be near. Eerie as it might be, it's a sound that comforts and one that she can latch onto in focus. It replaces the roar of blood rushing in her ears, the heavy thuds of her heart, the trembling intake of breath each time she inhales. She presses her paws together tightly, clasping them in a semblance of prayer. Calm your mind. Brushing her lips over them, she exhales, a deep release of air deflating her body. Soothe yourself. In a clearing of moss and ancient carved runes, it is here where Áine finds her peace, the mist washing away her unease and her turmoils. Here she can be away from all of her troubles, the responsibilities her father had left, her fears. She is alone, unaccompanied by her own request. Her husband had tried to come with, and truth be told if he wasn't... if things had been a little different, she would have let him. 'Don't follow me,' she had said to him coldly. 'It's not a place for you.' She tries not to think of how hurt he had looked at the rebuff, but she had not lied. Tir na Nog would not have accepted him. Unfolding herself from her position, she flops onto her side, feeling cool moss against her cheek. She closes her eyes, wanting nothing more than to hide away from the world. How lovely that would be, she thinks, to let the earth swallow her whole. When she opens her eyes again, it isn't just an empty space that greets her, but a boy with a mushroom in his mouth. He doesn't seem to have noticed her and she takes the opportunity to roll back onto her stomach for appearance's sake. For a while, all she does is stare blankly as he ambles about, dropping the fungi in what she assumes to be a stash. A... herbalist? she wonders. What clan does he hail from? She's no expert in herbs or any of that botanical business, but what use did one have for mushrooms? Will he eat them later? Not really caring at all to find out, she settles for silence, absentmindedly watching him do his gathering. The Fae have permitted him here, so she feels no danger at observing a stranger, and if he really did try something, she isn't afraid either. @Finn art & code by bean |
@Áine |
It takes a good while for the boy to notice her presence, his sequential movements catching him in a repetitive pattern of leaving and returning. There's a level of entertainment, she notices with some pleasure, in watching someone put focus on their work. It isn't even a difficult task— it's just mushroom picking —and it ought to be boring, but she finds herself paying close attention for the entire duration of being unnoticed. Resting her head on her paws, all but her eyes stay still as they follow him around. If permitted, she would be happy to remain in the mist for as long as possible, inconspicuous and unseen. Of course, that can only be wishful thinking when, alas, he sees her. Their eyes meet, coolness meeting surprise. She says nothing again, a slight tilt of her head the only indication of her own response at being caught. There's a nudging in her mind saying that she should probably feel sheepish, but the indifference already there overwhelms it completely. "Oh, a girl," he says, breaking the silence first. The impassive observation has her raising a brow by a fraction, unsure why he had felt the need to state the obvious. She's almost tempted to snark in return, but he leaves no room for her to respond so quickly. Rifling through his herbs, he takes a moment before pulling out a flower. Huh. She raises her head when he begins to approach, apprehension naturally kicking in. "Celandine," he pronounces as he places the flower by her. "Nice to meet you. Have you come to commune with the Fae?" What sort of ploy is this? Some suspicion bleeds into her thoughts at the abrupt gift, the sudden action surprising her although she is careful not to let it show. Her gaze falls to the little poppy next to her paws, looking for the most part innocent. Celandine. Is that its name? Or is it his? It seems familiar, she thinks, although she cannot be confident about where she has once seen it. Perhaps a book in the Library back home... It doesn't ring any alarms as being a poisonous plant, but she certainly isn't going to test it out. Although still a little wary, she makes a noise, tonal and contemplative. Harmless, it would seem for the time being— both the flower and its giver. Returning her attention back onto the boy, she stares for a second more before she replies. Careful with her response, she says lightly, "Is that its name? Or yours?" She lifts a paw to brush the flower gently. She smiles briefly, thinking that she should offer him some indication of her mood, to alleviate his own suspicions if he has any. It does not linger long before melting back into a line, but she hopes that it has done its job. "I suppose," she starts slowly, wondering how she should answer him. "I suppose you could say that." Not wanting him to pry further, she points her chin at his mushroom stash. Some genuine interest filling her voice, she asks, "What're you going to do with all of those? Are you going to eat them?" @Finn art & code by bean |
@Áine |