The chaos has subsided, leaving only unease behind, lingering in the quiet. Most of the guests have evacuated by now, leaving the ballroom and adjacent hallways empty, save for a few stragglers. Looking for someone important to them, perhaps.. just like Grigori was. Grey eyes scanned the surroundings, moving over dirty floors, littered with scattered and trampled food, in search of familiar russet fur. The atmosphere was uncanny, like the first ray of sunshine after a storm.. where the only thing for it enlighten was the devastation left behind. But while the castle was quiet, the blonde male couldn’t quieten his own thoughts. The cut on his shoulder still pulsed painfully, but he hardly noticed it. He should have stayed closer to his friend, he should have been by his side when everything went to hell. What if something has happened to Aryth? He’d never be able to live it down. What use is his strength when he isn’t there when it matters? His appetite has turned to ash, but he nonetheless scooped up a morsel of relatively untouched food – just to have something to chew on. It didn’t help much. What if the scholar was waiting for him outside the castle, or maybe he even went back home? But.. Aryth wouldn’t evacuate without him, right? Truthfully, Grigori wasn’t sure; all that he wanted was for his friend to be safe, so that would be for the better, and yet.. just in case, he had to keep looking, until the guards decide to drag him outside. He’d heard wolves yelling about assassins earlier, the cause for the ball’s abrupt end. The king might have been their target, but.. would the also go after someone whom the king has invited to perform? Ah, there was a thousand ways the cowboy could make himself worry more. He could only hope it will all work out.. there was so much he hasn’t had the chance to say yet. „*” |
![]() A R Y T H M E T I K
It was the last-ditch effort of an inferior spy. Aryth crept out of a dusty alcove, the cobwebs clinging to his fur as he drew away from the cold stone. From his hiding place, he’d heard a lot of harried conversation, but nothing useful. And he was able to see soldiers dragging away a few wolves, but none of them were familiar. Rank… This was all rank. He hadn’t learned anything about the purpose of the Ball, and now his heart was sore. After all, who benefitted from an assassination attempt on the King? The followers of Prince Jacob.No. No. He couldn’t think about that right now. If he didn’t leave soon, soldiers would sweep the castle and find him lingering. They would probably think he was involved somehow. Now panic drove him down the hallway, his heart pounding and his mask clutched in his sullen maw. It’d been knocked from his face when a hasty noblewoman shoved him in the ribs. The golden frames were even more dented than before, and the woven strips of bark were cracked in several places. He sighed as he hurried toward the exit. Every footstep sounded suspiciously loud as his nails clicked against the floor. But there, near the foyer, Arythmetik saw a relieving sight. @Grigori |
It would seem he’s done a piss poor job of looking around, because before long he realized that it was Aryth that found him and started to approach first. Still, the blonde brute was much to relieved to beat himself up over it – it was like all the weight suddenly lifted from his shoulders. Eager steps carried him closer to the other male, he was about to throw all hesitation to the wind and pull him into an embrace.. but then an unexpected question gave him pause. “Waitin’..?” Grigori parroted, visibly confused. Why would he be merely waiting? And why does it sound like he shouldn’t even be doing that much? “I been lookin’ all over for ye..” His brow furrowed, but his words were hesitant. Up until now, his concern has felt as obvious as the cycle of day and night. Suddenly, it seemed silly and unwanted. Of course, him being the poet’s bodyguard was just jokes and all that, but.. was it wrong to feel responsible for the safety of someone who wasn’t as strong as him? Someone who he couldn’t stand the thought of getting hurt. Grigori sighed. It’s not like his intentions weren’t obvious at this point, there was no use trying to hide them. “I should’ve been with ye. To make sure yer safe.” He looked to the side, noticing the patrolling guards. They couldn’t really afford to dawdle, could they? “We can talk on the way back, no need to have ‘em drag us out.” Yet, he stood still, not even lifting a paw as he waited for the other to lead the way. He had no intention of letting Aryth out of his sight again tonight, not until they’re close to the college and safely away from any assassins. "Shame yer mask got battered, I thought they'd make for nice keepsakes" he blurted, trying to at least momentarily shift the focus to something more trivial. A poor attempt, considering why it got damaged, and who would keep a memento of a ball that ended like this? Visiting Aryth's den has made him realize how lacking and barren his own was, and for a time he thought the mask would be a fine first decoration. It no longer felt like a good idea, sadly. „*” |
![]() A R Y T H M E T I K
There was so much that the learned man did not know. It was the kind of knowledge that couldn’t be found in books—the kind of answers that didn’t come effortlessly. Arythmetik was a simple creature who’d only ever known one life, the one that sheltered and protected him from a lonely, orphaned childhood. He knew how to read. He knew how to study. He knew the velocity of a falling acorn and how to multiply by fives. He knew that lavender calmed the nerves and that a poultice should be applied to flesh wounds. He knew that broken bones should be set in place by sticks. He knew that Latin was the language of scientists.And now he knew, looking into Grigori’s bewildered grey eyes, that he loved him. Maybe it was a delicate, fragile emotion, new and scarcely budding. Maybe it was as alien to Aryth as moon rabbits. But his world was expanding into hitherto unknown territory. A heart of aged, yellow pages unfurled and bared the blank swath of unwritten stories. It was just waiting for Aryth to dip the ink and make a permanent mark. Still he stood there, frozen. The poor sassenach probably thought he was upset. (And perhaps, when he’d initially stumbled through the chaos all alone, he had been.) But Grigori was his first true friend, and now that they were reunited, that teasing warmth returned in all its tantalizing glory. Stop saying those things, Aryth thought, but he couldn’t speak. Finally, the cowboy turned to leave the castle, and his drawl must have shaken the scholar from his stupor. ‘Shame yer mask got battered…’ With more surety than a Junior Professor should have, Aryth strode forward and lapped his tongue tenderly against Grigori’s muzzle. There was a pause after the kiss, and Aryth stared up at his companion. He wasn’t smiling, but the brilliant light in his eyes denoted his happiness. His nervous, confused, undeniable happiness. Arythmetik didn’t know what the future held; he didn’t even know if he could trust the leaders that once stoked his loyal heart. But all the things he knew didn’t matter: learning was the spirit of each new day. @Grigori |
Usually Aryth wasn’t one to have nothing to say, so the uncharacteristic silence now was all the more worrisome. Is it because he’d messed up at the dance? It had to be disappointing, to be suddenly left all alone on the dancefloor. Or maybe the scholar is just shaken with everything that has transpired? If so, Grigori wished he could help.. but in the end, he just knew nothing, not the cause, nor the solution. Still, he likely would spend all night racking his brain over it, had the smaller male not spared him the effort with a sudden and unexpected gesture. A fleeting breath’s caress on his cheek, a warm brush of tongue that held no hesitation. Grigori could only stare as the other withdrew, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, but he couldn’t deny the racing of his heart anymore than he could the wagging of his tail. All of a sudden, he felt light as a feather, like no adversity could hold him back any longer. All he knew of love until now was one-sided and draining, it used to be a sickness that wore him down.. but Aryth had a way of building him up instead, of making him look forward to what’s ahead. “Y-yeah” he agreed, still stunned as he watched his friend start to walk. Is it possible for someone to be more beautiful every time you look at them? “Yeehaw..” he muttered to himself. Was Grigori drunk on infatuation, or simply noticing details he hadn’t before? Does it even matter? He shook his head, pulling himself out from his stupor, and caught up with a brief trot. His fuzzy feelings, while impossible to banish, had to diminish somewhat to make room for alertness as they traversed the city’s dark night-concealed streets. There were few wolves about at this hour, mostly drunks leaving closing taverns, but every one of them could be a potential threat. Maybe Grigori was being paranoid, but he couldn’t help it after being so abruptly reminded that there’s wickedness hiding in any land, even Rionnach. “Listen, I’ve been thinkin’.. ‘bout how I could make a livin’ here. The army was somethin’ I considered, if I found them and the king not to be too.. corrupt.” And he did. Of course, it wasn’t something he could say with certainty, seeing as the ball was certainly meant to create a favorable image, but it was good enough to start. Yet, after tonight, his plans have changed entirely. “But the king has plenty of wolves at his call, and.. ye said the college is peaceful. But so was this ball at first.” Those who would hurt others care little for that. Worse yet, it just makes for an easier target for them. There was a moment of silence while the cowboy considered his next words. It was intimidating, setting on a course that was nothing like what he knew. But he was certain. “I never thought myself a protector, rather.. an avenger. But spendin’ time with ye I realized I can use my strength to help others. I want to try to help wolves who aren’t fighters have peace of mind. And.. I want to stay close.” He stepped closer, leaning lightly into Aryth’s side. “So I’m goin’ to try to get a job as a guard. Not for the king, but just for the college.” Saying it out loud gave his plans a sense of irrevocable finality, one that was enough to make him a little nervous. But as long as he wasn’t alone, Grigori could make it through. He glanced towards his companion, hoping for a favorable reaction. „*” |
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There was a fluttering warmth inside him, like a flame, as the pair strolled down the castle steps. It manifested in a permanent grin, tucked in the corner of his handsome maw, and a bashful expression that consistently made him glance away or at his feet. But Aryth didn’t mind feeling a little silly. He was just happy he’d conjured the bravery to finally acknowledge his feelings for the striking vagabond. Part of him was worried that the silence would feel heavy as they entered the cold, outside world. But it didn’t. Grigori was close, and the outlander wasn’t quiet for long, anyway.Admitting he considered becoming a soldier did catch Aryth’s attention. He glanced up at the taller male, but the grin didn’t vanish from his maw completely. It made sense, after all. Grigori was strong, and he’d make a good soldier. Anyway, Aryth could feel the “but” coming. When the words drawled from Grigori’s minty maw, the breath caught in Aryth’s throat. His heart started to beat a little faster. ‘And...I want to stay close.’ Aryth thought his vision might have blurred for a brief moment. Finally, the cowboy revealed that he wanted to protect the College as an official guard, and the scholar flashed a wide smile. Aryth leaned in closer, as well. Suddenly, he murmured, @Grigori |
Admittedly, it wasn't like there was any reason to expect disagreement from a wolf who had just gone and kissed him, when it comes to a plan that keeps them both in the same place. Right.. it was difficult to wrap his mind around the fact that this is something that has just happened. The cowboy could likely spend the entire trek ruminating about how surreal it feels, but it was better to save his mental energy and just go with the flow. The way Arythmetik smiled was something new. A cheerful disposition was nothing unusual for the scholar, but right now.. it was like he was glowing. It wasn't the first time someone looked at him like that, and yet it couldn't be more different. This time around, he was glad.. no, happy for it. Extremely so. “Mhmmm-” No, that doesn't sound right. Figure he'd forget how to operate his tongue in a situation such as this. “I mean, great. I'll try to figure out how to set it all up soon” he said with a smile, his eyes frequently darting between the road and his friend. As much as he wanted to be alert, it was difficult to look away for long. His ears perked up attentively when Aryth started to bring something else up. Furrowed brows betrayed his concern at the uncertainty in his friend's voice.. as well as how close to home that topic hit. But his expression quickly softened, it was impossible to focus even on something troubling when the other brushed against him and spoke of needing him.. even if it was in the name of the college as a whole. “Shucks.. I just mentioned it and yer already layin' down the pressure, eh?” Grigori chuckled, diverting his attention from how warm his muzzle felt with a bit of humor. But as the city around them faded to wilderness and he could relax more, his thoughts turned back to the matters of duty. “I've done that once, y'know. Chose what's best for everyone.. but for me.” His gaze drifted into the distance as he spoke, focusing on some unspecified point within the distant darkness. It was incredibly easy to recall how that kind of life had felt, every single insufferable second of it. He'd never want Aryth to go through even a fraction of that experience. “Even if it's needed, I think it's best left for wolves who want to do it to begin with. Tryin' to live someone else's life is.. it's suffocating.” Grigori closed his eyes, immersing himself in the worst of his days. He needed to, just to convey this properly. A sigh fell from his lips before he looked to the road ahead once more. “, it was worse than that. Ye don't get the urge to resist somethin' ye chose for yerself. It just gets number'n'number till.. ye start to think if it might be better to step on a snake.” Pausing there made for a heavy silence, but he didn't know what else to say. He leaned closer, focusing on his friend's warmth and everything that he made him feel, like rinsing the cold away with a comforting warm shower. “Ah.. maybe I'm bein' too dramatic. Teachin' probably ain't that big of a deal, right?” He forced a smile, desperately trying to avoid making the other worry too much. “Still, no one else's gonna do what ye want to or live your life for ye, y'know? Yer the only one who can do that.. and ye should, cause yer wonderful.” What use is holding back with the compliments at this point? It was easy to say something he sincerely believed, too. Grigori stopped in his tracks, a playful smile tugging at his lips.. before he leaned closer, with no warning going in for another kiss. The first one took him off guard far too much, and the circumstances haven't been the best. Now that they left the city walls behind them.. he wanted to take his time with it. „*” |
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Aryth was aware that his companion could hardly look away from him. It was difficult not to notice since he could scarcely tear his eyes away from Grigori, either. The scholar even tripped over his own paws at one point, though he was pretty sure he did a fine job of covering up the stumble. The reason he couldn’t stop staring was the sullen, mysterious shadow that suddenly passed over the handsome outlander’s features. It was the same darkness he sensed in the man the day they met: once when he mentioned his past, and again when the trader wouldn’t barter for two rabbits. Aryth’s brows contorted in concern. His heart started to race as the curiosity, empathy, and unanswered questions flooded his system. ‘Ye start to think if it might be better to step on a snake…’ A piece of Aryth cracked inside him, a piece that was already tender and vulnerable. This was unfamiliar territory, indeed.But Grigori was trying his damnedest not to ruin the mood. Ruin it, I don’t mind. ‘Yer wonderful.’ The words were enough to make his heart race in a different way. He was almost caught off guard as the cowboy swept in for another kiss. Despite the frigid winter night, Aryth melted into it. More unfamiliar territory… He was going to have to learn to be brave. @Grigori FIN ? <3 |