sonder winter 1711

Carry You

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from Saora
4 years old
Summer rain, honeysuckle, and jasmine
Fae Forest


im studied her with a slow blink of her eyelids, her smile growing into a smirk as she regarded Gwen with an incredulous expression. “Uh-huh…I see…” She gestured towards her bounty and then returned her gaze back to lavender orbs, holding ear gaze as she would allow. “Then perhaps you would not mind one day showing me how it is you apply this…special boost to your remedies?”

She noticed that the lovely fae seemed to relax at least slightly after she’d revealed their shared passion for the arts that were not so welcome by the rest of society. “Ah, myself? I thought you’d never ask…” Nimue teased, sticking her tongue out playfully as she took a few pawsteps backwards and looked the other woman over with an intensity while she explained,

“I have a gift for energy healing, specifically Shamanic Reiki.” Her focus returned to Gwen again, offering a gentle smile. “I work closely with the element of water in my practice…you should try it sometime, if you haven’t already.”


art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck

09-25-2021, 08:50 AM


4 years old
Hyacinths & Rain

The “special boost” she had alluded to would not be revealed to Nimue that day, Gwen had decided. It was one thing entirely to practice in the traditional sense, and another to make her blood offerings known. It had been explained to her long ago that she could offer things of value; small precious stones or the bones of her meal would suffice for small, simple things. To cure what ailed another, though, would cost a much higher price. She was brought back to sitting before her grandmother’s hearth, the crone’s words echoing in her ears. “To heal the blood and mend the bones, you must take your blood and break your own.”

Focusing on Nimue now, she listened intently. The way the other woman’s eyes rested upon hers felt like a touch, prickling down her spine as she sat. Gwen took the moment to admire the woman before her, imagining for the briefest moment what it would be like to rest her cheek against hers once more. In a way she’d never imagined before, she found Nim’s slender form pleasing. One would learn new things about themselves daily, she supposed, but this female was teaching her quite a lot. Snapping her eyes back to her face, Gwen’s own heated, hoping Nim had not caught her looking. From the coy smiles and generous gestures, though, she was starting to wonder if this woman found her appealing, too.

“Reiki?” She asked, curious as she shifted her focus to the conversation at hand. Gwen could honestly say she had never heard of such a practice in her sheltered life prior. “An amazing gift to have, Nimue. How does it work? Can you see the energies of those around you?” How interesting would it be to simply know another by laying eyes on them, she wondered. Had she seen anything when their energies and themselves had, quite literally, collided? Perhaps it didn’t work that way at all, but Gwen was eager to know another’s abilities besides her own. She’d heard of wolves able to visualize auras, but never one with the ability to manipulate it. A tie to her affinity with water, she supposed. Water ebbs and flows, forever changing the surrounding landscape. It only made sense one gifted with such an ability could do the same.

Coding by Peachyy.
09-27-2021, 07:29 PM


from Saora
4 years old
Summer rain, honeysuckle, and jasmine
Fae Forest


he other girl seemed to falter when she drew nearer to her and just witnessing effect she had on her caused a ripple of a thrill to roll down her spine. She began to wonder if this is what it felt like to move through the world as Rhiannon did.

Eyes of the deepest blue met soft lavender and she could sense the way Gwen was analyzing her, seeking confirmation of her flirtation. The tidal waves within Nimue’s oceanic gaze pulled at her, attempting to convey without words, Yes…I find you alluring…

Nim smoothly transitioned into answering the apothecary’s questions, willing to share pieces of herself. “I do have clairvoyant tendencies. If the energies are strong or debilitating enough, I might be able to see them in the physical realm.”

”However, my expertise relies more on clairsentience, my sensitivity to the way the energy…feels…” She had only just realized that while she was talking she had been slowly moving in closer to Gwen, their faces hardly a few inches apart as the gravitational pull between them was proving to be exceptionally powerful.


art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck

(This post was last modified: 10-01-2021, 05:16 AM by Nimue.)
10-01-2021, 05:15 AM


4 years old
Hyacinths & Rain


wendolyn knew now, without a doubt, of the feelings passing between Nimue and herself. Attraction, definitely, but… There was something more. At the sight of her, the woman’s chest warmed. The shaman was goddess blessed herself, kin to her regardless of the flirtation floating around them like fine mist. She listened to her, finding the talk of energies fascinating. How at one with the world must it be to be able to see, or even feel, how nature interacted on a spiritual level. Her own magic was more a transaction, but she could see the similarities between their gifts.

“You are truly Goddess blessed, Nimue,” she said, caught within the shaman’s thrall as her violet eyes worked to take her all in at once. It was then Gwen noticed that Nimue was coming closer. Her heart fluttered in her chest as her breath shortened, watching as she drew to a distance near indecent for them to be in public. The apothecary was a lady at heart, but it appeared that Nimue was quickly making her forget the decorum she had been so careful to develop in her earlier years.

I find you stunning, her eyes conveyed as she shared mere breaths with the other woman. Gwen hesitated, struggling to gather her speech as her train of thought left with Nimue this close. “P-p-per… Perhaps, you could demonstrate your talents upon me sometime?” She asked, violet hues searching those of midnight before her. In that moment, Gwen could not help thinking their beauty resembled the dark of a clear, starless night.

art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck
10-07-2021, 07:39 PM


from Saora
4 years old
Summer rain, honeysuckle, and jasmine
Fae Forest


he shaman and apothecary stood for a moment within such close proximity that Nimue’s mind had even gone completely blank. Her eyes became half-lidded, her only focus being the soft glow of Gwen’s lavender irises, the shape of her parted lips that moved ever so slightly with the breaths that came to mingle with hers, the scent of hyacinths and the mist of a spring rain shower.

The sound of other woman’s stammering voice brought her back to herself, the spell momentarily dismissed, yet not broken. Nimue blinked, a soft chuckle emerging as she glanced about before withdrawing, offering Gwendolyn an apologetic look although she would not verbally admit fault. There was something between them that neither was to blame for. One look in the other fae’s eyes told her that she knew it as well.

She hummed to herself and then nodded in response to her request of sorts. “Of course, I’d love to provide a demonstration…” Nimue’s rational mind screamed at her to stop while she was ahead and this drew her back another few steps as she smiled at her newest friend. “Another time, in another place, Gwendolyn.” She spoke her full name slowly, a glint in her eye revealing her full fascination with the dark-coated wolfess. “I’m glad we’ve met today. I shall look forward to the next time our paths cross. Until next time, my dear.” Nim tossed one more smile over her shoulder with a wink as she turned away, vanishing past a column and beyond another corridor of the College.

[Exit Nimue]


art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck

(This post was last modified: 10-07-2021, 08:38 PM by Nimue.)
10-07-2021, 08:38 PM


4 years old
Hyacinths & Rain


budding friendship, let alone a flirtation, had not been among Gwen’s expectations upon coming to the College. They were welcome surprises, though, and so the fae gave a silent thanks to her Goddess for bringing Nimue across her path. What she should make of this meeting or what was intended for them she knew not, but she found it mattered not when she was lost in the woman’s deep midnight hues.

Gwen had nearly forgotten she’d asked for a demonstration, too mesmerized in watching the subtle curve of Nim’s lips as she formed simple words. She had come closer in the fae’s few moments of distraction, and she was helpless to do little else besides lean into her captivating presence. The sounds of others not far off was a splash of ice water on their moment, snapping Gwendolyn out of her fascinations and reminding her of her purpose. “Of course,” she replied, nodding respectfully. The promise of next time, along with the gleam in Nim’s eye, had set her heart aflutter once more.

“The pleasure is all mine, Nimue. Until next time,” she said sincerely, watching for far longer than was appropriate as the fae slipped away. With the absence of her presence, Gwen’s muddled thoughts had a moment to clear. Thinking over the prior interaction, she looked down at her herbs and smiled bashfully. Gathering her bindle, she wondered when their next encounter would be. She hoped for it soon, but turned her thoughts to other things as she began her journey to her makeshift home. Ideas of a creating a sort of strung pouch kept her busy, humming to herself in thought as the college faded from view.

[Exit Gwendolyn]

art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck
10-09-2021, 05:50 PM
Thread Closed 
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