sonder winter 1711

Spilt Tea On The Pages

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Medical Student/Noble

from Rionnach
3 years old
Dew and Neroli

Dream big and dare to fail

The small near yearling traversed along the halls of the college, her gaze drifting from one plant to the next as it seemed the whole place was nothing but a giant greenhouse yet the chill could not be wholly kept out. Winter was slowly coming to an end and with it the icy tendrils would start to recede. It seemed rather strange to the young girl how the weather changed the way it did, finding both serendipity and wonder in it but also questioning why. Her mind is still young and curious about everything around her and perhaps that is why she found herself here in Arboretum, one of the few places her mother was allowing her to go to after the massacre that was the ball. A ball the young one had very much wanted to go to, if only for fantasy's sake as the masks only added to the magic but it sounded like it had sent the hearts of the older nobles to an untimely arrest. Details were harder for her to come by, adults always wanting to shield the ears of those still pure but she highly disagreed that her mind was so innocent after having seen death and war. She had experienced wealth and witnessed poverty.

Her head shook the thoughts away as she accidentally bumped into a patron; could be someone of profession or just a peasant coming to the place seeking aid, either way she would quietly bumble an apology full of nervous stuttering and a dip of her head before regaining poise. Carefully, she would make her way further down the corridor, taking in the myriad of scents that kept washing over her, comparable to a cup of tea or a bouquet of flowers. Nettle to oak, mint to honey; it was a whirlwind that never seemed to end as every little shift in the wind brought her nose something new to the point it was slowly giving her a headache as she couldn’t distinguish what most of the smells were and it was confusing her how it never seemed to end. She knew so little.

She would find her way into a little opening, a tiny room that perhaps had the biggest collection of alien artifacts she had ever seen in her life. Darker tipped ears perked at the way the ruffling of pages almost felt like they were tickling her ears from the buzzing vibration as a gust of wind came in viciously, causing a soft giggle to bubble and her tail to sway. A few books laid around open without anyone to conduct them, the pages dancing to nature rather than the paw of another canine. She'd glance around for the one that may have ownership of the books or were renting them but saw no one. Before any pages could rip from miss handling of the wind, she would move toward the paper tablets, delicately shutting the binding with the gentle knock of her paw until she came across a book with curious pictures in it. Like most of her family she knew how to read though she was subpar at it, still very much learning. Taking a seat and tucking her tail along her side, her ears tilted a little, gaze razor focused as her brow scrunched as she tried to figure out the words upon the page. Well, they looked like words but none of the letters formed words she knew, making her feel like she couldn't see straight.

Quickly she’d find herself in a trance trying to decipher the codex, getting comfortable as she laid down and gently set a paw on a page to prevent them from flipping, mumbling sounds the letters would make in hope to form a word she knew.

code by claerie
09-18-2021, 10:29 AM


4 years old
Pine & Pages

The scholar’s shoulders drooped with the weight of many sleepless nights. He prowled through the corridors now, trying and failing to hold his head high, blinking heavily as he turned a corner. It had been this way since the brawl at the Winter Banquet. Arythmetik was plagued by unanswered questions (truly a nightmare for an academic mind)—but it was more than that. It was a crisis of the heart.

Until the Ball, the steadfast Junior Professor was loyal to Queen Aileen’s heir. Now he was questioning the core of his beliefs. Was it even possible that Prince Jacob would hire assassins? Was the Stuart House capable of such barbary and dishonor, to attack the royal couple at a public party? Would Jacobites be willing to put innocent lives at risk just to rid King Adamh of his crown? Or were those foul wolves nothing but trouble-makers seeking anarchy?

The questions swirled and flowed, threatening to drown the man as he attempted his daily duties. Aryth was so distracted that he almost didn’t notice an unfamiliar scent in the library. But as he entered the room, those heavy eyelids rose with an effort. Now-dull, emerald eyes (eyes that shone like gems when he had enough sleep) locked onto the diminutive, grey shape of a child reading. There was a silent moment where Aryth had to convince himself he wasn’t dreaming. Finally, with a friendly but tired smile, the russet male stepped forward.

“You’re too young to be a student,” he thrummed, a faint trace of humor lurking in the undertones of his warm voice. “My name is Professor Arythmetik. Might I ask what you’re doing here?” He glanced at the book briefly, pointedly, then raised his brows at her. It was difficult not to grin. He noticed, too, even in his hazy state, that she was handling the book with care—like she understood what it was.

code by claerie

09-25-2021, 09:44 AM

Medical Student/Noble

from Rionnach
3 years old
Dew and Neroli

Dream big and dare to fail

The longer she fixated on the pages, the more she was convinced that her eyes weren’t in her head right or that the language upon the pages simply were not of a language she knew as her nose gently flipped to a different page to scope out any changes in structure. She found none but there were what looked to be maps and detailed images of plants within the ledger. It was rather peculiar, she had to admit as she was at least feeling like she was understanding what the purpose of this particular scripture was, crop cultivation perhaps. Unfortunately, the more she looked, the more she noticed the weathering and damage the book had already endured, each page becoming more and more difficult to take in as the ink faded from sun damage, making her feel a growing sadness for something that wasn’t even alive. Erosion. It was everywhere she looked and it seemed even things scholars held in high regard could not evade it’s grip. Forever trapped in a vortex of destruction and mortality.

She had been so focused she hadn’t heard the approach of another as they entered the library, too enthralled by curiosity to really notice anything not in her immediate bubble. As a voice broke the silence, her fur would puff up a little as her body jolted in one painful motion that changed nothing about her position, as if having been caught doing something devious. Her head would tilt back till her nose was pointed to the sky, only to see someone blazen upside down like a bat, making her almost feel like rolling till they were right side up but the sound of the pages would cause her head to snap back to attention as another roll of wind would disturb the peace. Or rather, just liven up the room, finding plenty of tranquility within the little shifts of sound and scent of paper that had for the moment overpowered the herbs that she had been overly acquainted with in the halls.

“Too y-young?” she repeated in an angelic yet childish voice that lacked any confidence in the very things they uttered. To repeat a man was uncouth but if he only saw her as a child, perhaps he might excuse her more than her family did. “Is there s-such thing as t-t-t-too young to l-learn? Are we all not s-students of life?” she asked after a moment as she closed the book, feeling like he was telling her to leave, that she didn’t belong here. No matter how honey coated and welcoming his voice might be, the words didn’t feel as captivating. Slowly she would turn away from the book to look at him, her ears flicking downward as he was decorated in flaming oranges but not as saturated as some she had seen, ginger yet with a tint of brown that remedied it from being blinding. Eyes of twin emeralds, rather pretty as they made her gaze drift away timidly. He wasn’t as imposing though, his frame did not speak of a barbarian rebel soldier coming to slaughter her due to her bloodline’s alignment, rather he looked quite dainty. She might have found it more humorous if she wasn’t being questioned, all the same her normal smile would caress her lips, inviting and tender but a little more genuine than normal as a giggle at his name was hidden but touched her eyes.

After a long pause she would finally answer his last question. “I…” she thought for a moment of how to address herself title wise like he had. “The name g-gifted to me is Lady Aurora,” that’s what the maids called her at least and what she was told to act like all the time. “Answers.”

code by claerie
10-05-2021, 12:45 PM


4 years old
Pine & Pages

Arythmetik blinked, genuinely surprised by the young lady’s response. His exhaustion did him a disservice, and he worried that he came across rude or impatient. Of course he hadn’t meant to startle or accuse her. But he didn’t respond right away. Instead, he watched the girl close the book with utmost care, turning toward him with precise and delicate movements. The only wolves who moved like that were nobles, but most of them lived in the Capital or on secluded estates. Still, she did have the features and breeding of a noble, with feathery locks, dressed all in raven and gossamer hues. It wasn’t until she announced herself as ‘Lady Aurora’ that his suspicions were confirmed. A small (and tired) smile tugged at the corners of his handsome lips.

“Lady Aurora,” he greeted, “I didn’t mean to offend you. I only mean that students cannot enroll in the College of Èolas until they are yearlings. Perhaps it was wrong of me to assume you won’t reach your first year until Spring.” A wry light glimmered in his worn features. This conversation seemed to liven him up a bit. He tilted his head and sat across from her, glancing at the book she’d so preciously and tidily closed. “But you’re right. No one is too young to learn. So if you’ve come for answers...maybe a teacher can help you in your search?”

code by claerie

10-09-2021, 01:40 PM

Medical Student/Noble

from Rionnach
3 years old
Dew and Neroli

Dream big and dare to fail

His silence was loud and it caused any gumption she had to fumble so quickly, wanting to pick up the pieces of herself and run off into the shadows of which her pelt would blend in perfectly. Every bit of her felt like it was wilting as she found herself continually under his gaze, her bloodline doing nothing to aid her in growing a spine despite being told to command commoners with grace and no hesitation but the no speaking unless spoken to by men contradicted that. Was she at fault for speaking her mind or should she continue doing so. No amount of lessons within the confines of the noblesse territories could prepare her for those that did not carry the higher pedigree, though birth and blood seemed so strange to determine one’s place among a hierarchy. She’d take in a breath before quietly muttering a barely audible, “Sorry. I-I spoke too much didn’t I?” Her gaze cast down sheepishly, not sure what else to say after she had finished her own introduction, missing the smile that played on his lips once more.

Her two colored eyes fixed up more, pulling away from her dark toes to look at his face but still not daring to meet his eyes beyond a second of recognition that she was listening; attentive. It felt so strange to talk to someone that was not her family, house servants or the vineyard’s employees. Had she hands she may have nervously played with her hair or fabric of a well tailored dress to settle her nerves but all she could do was lightly wiggle her toes in the little bits of soil. Gently she’d sway her head at what he had to say before letting out the tiniest of flustered defeated huffs that nearly sounded on the lines of a whine, feeling rather small in the moment.

“You are c-correct, Professor Arithmetic. I’m still a child but I did not antis..anticer...anticipate that that would be an issue for being in the halls. Uncle wants me to learn a few lessons here once I’m a little older to better help at the winery. What do you t-teach?” she inquired softly, her eyes big as if asking if he might teach her one day should it be the right field and hoping he'll look over her little speech issue. She had doubts though, as he had introduced himself with a term she knew was math related, though she didn’t know what exactly it meant or was; completely oblivious it wasn’t the same thing as his name.

She noticed his attention shifting away behind her, making her a little concerned something was sneaking up on her but she could only hope it was but a mouse. Better yet maybe he was just looking at the books themselves. “I came h-here about the ball... No one w-will tell me anything, just that I need to stay close to home to b-be safe.” She would add her real purpose after a small pause, though it came out even quieter, as if expecting rejection in a heartbeat.

code by claerie
10-26-2021, 01:52 PM


4 years old
Pine & Pages

At first he thought she was simply startled or nervous, but the repeated stutters made the impediment clear. Aryth continued to smile warmly as the girl spoke, knowing it can’t have been easy for her to come all this way alone. Her intentions for the books were obviously pure, and far be it from him to keep anyone so polite from learning. But those were the rules: she couldn’t be alone with these tomes until she was an official student in the College. The young Lady Aurora was as over-eager as any child. And yet...there was a wisdom about her, hidden behind her nervous fidgeting, that couldn’t be denied.

He chuckled softly when she explained that she was sent to learn about vintner’s arts. It sounded made up, but then again, nobles had plenty of wild ideas. They never liked to be told, either. So Aryth entertained her and answered kindly, “Oh, most professors here teach herbology and medicine these days. I also host classes for wolves hoping to learn more about practical medicine.” The russet man leaned forward conspiritorily and whispered, “But I’d rather be teaching physics, biology, or literary analysis—anything is more interesting than medicine.” He straightened, laughed airily, and sighed. He was too tired to care if he sounded a little kooky.

But then Lady Aurora surprised him. She as much as admitted that she’d run away from home to search for answers about what happened that night. Aryth raised one eyebrow with interest. The raven girl looked like she expected to be chastised… Shifting his weight, Aryth responded calmly, “There was an assassination attempt on the King.” Lies had no place in the College of Èolas. Aurora might as well learn that now. Besides, it might be good to just…say it out loud to someone. To stop pretending it didn’t happen. He’d suffered many sleepless nights wondering if his loyalty had been misplaced with Queen Aileen’s son. “There are rumors, but no one knows who truly hired the attack. But there’s nothing to fear, my Lady.” Aryth grinned. “I’m sure you’ll be safe. Not that you should have ventured through the forest alone.”

code by claerie

11-05-2021, 02:07 PM

Medical Student/Noble

from Rionnach
3 years old
Dew and Neroli

Dream big and dare to fail

The longer she stood in front of the man, the more she started to realize he was trying to calm her or at least come off in a welcoming manner but it did nothing to starve the jitters away. She still could not decipher if he was talking equally or down to her, she was so used to the latter that she kept assuming everything he said harbored less pleasant intent. Maybe he really was nice, like that boy she had met in the square, the first male she had met her own age that had made her sheepish in a different way than she was used to. Her smile warmed a little at the thought, glancing up at the professor, recalling he too shared the same northern pelt. If anything this man looked far more gentle, delicate, approachable and yet despite all that, she couldn’t stop the small tremors within her body while he was in her presence. The fact he wasn’t tending to her or asking if she was okay meant it must not be noticeable at least, that was a relief though she wondered if she raised a paw if such would remain so.

Her ears perked before folding back on her crown at the gentle chuckle, starting to think he chuckled a little too much at times, unsure if that too was in aims to take the fear out of her or if it was his own nervous habit like her stutter was. Or maybe there was an off chance he actually did find her words funny which just made her all the more self-conscious. At the mention of medicine, however, she’d perk up and forget all about everything else that plagued her mind as she looked at him with more anticipation than she had even looked at the strange codex. As he moved closer into her space though, her shyness would return, half expecting him to pop her bubble entirely but curiosity of his behavior kept her from adding space between them. All the different subjects he spoke of did bring some interest but it was what he said after about medicine that soured things a little for her, causing her head to dip and prim paws to get a little dirty as her nails dug into the earth in silent upset. “Isn’t b-b-biology part of medicine?” she murmured a bit more to herself, thinking one had to know how the body worked in order to treat it.

She’d let it fester for now as she focused more on her true reason for being here. Manners of submissive behavior quickly failing, gaze finally reaching up high enough to look in the eyes as he spoke of murder or rather an attempt at such a thing. Surprise was written clear as day, not thinking it would be something so dire and primal, gruesome and vile. “I-... I thought the war was o-over? Is the Prince and Ex-Queen s-starting a s-second one? I don’t like s-seeing others killed no matter who’s side they are on,” she squeaked, past trauma replacing the former sparkle in the crystals of her eyes. As he claimed there was no knowledge of who hired the attack, she had a preset bias from her mother that the man she had a crush on was also one of the very entities that caused so much death. Her brow scrunched up at the gentle lecture he prescribed about how she shouldn’t be here, reinforcing her past thought.

“I…” she started again, taking in a breath before deflating and wondering if she should even say what she wanted to be after his rejection of the subject not long before. “I want to be a medic, j-just in case M-Mutter gets hurt p-p-protecting me again.” Where the words themselves sounded determined, her tone was anything but.

code by claerie
11-07-2021, 02:39 PM


4 years old
Pine & Pages

Just when it appeared she was calming down, it seemed he did something to ignite her anxiety again. Inwardly, it frustrated the scholar, and there was a brief moment of cynicism that was all too rare for the gentle soul. She’s the one intruding without permission, why am I trying so hard to put her at ease? But the bitter thought passed without much consideration, and Aryth shook off the mental weight. He knew he was just tired. Too tired for this conversation, really. But at the end of the day, seeing a youth so thirsty for knowledge, for answers, made his heart ache. Perhaps she was a noble, but why should he deny her access to these halls? He had the time. He was a teacher, and it was his purpose. If he wasn’t here, he would just be napping, anyway, and that was if nightmares didn’t disturb his slumber.

Aryth was too tired, in fact, to pay attention to her comment about biology and medicine. The girl said it mostly to herself anyway. If he’d been wide awake, he might have explained what he actually meant: that teaching applied medicine didn’t involve an in-depth study of biological science, and only required as much anatomical study as was necessary to heal injuries. He’d rather be teaching comparative biology, discussing theories of purpose and evolution in a lecture hall… But those days were still beyond him. As it was, Aryth was sufficiently distracted by the turn of the conversation toward the assassination attempt. If anything, maybe talking about it to someone else would ease his burden slightly. Part of the scholar felt conflicted about settling that weight on a child (one who clearly had a family of means or influence). Still, she’d asked; he could only hope she was mature for her age.

Something she said did pique his interest. The Prince… Does she mean Jacob? Maybe she didn’t realize the treason in her words. Aryth blinked slowly, but didn’t comment just yet. Were there nobles who still supported Jacob’s claim to the throne? Surely most of them were driven out of Rionnach. Aurora...she hadn’t given him a last name, but he needed to remember her face. Of course, he would never forget. This was already a surprisingly memorable encounter. “I agree completely,” he finally offered, simply and softly. It was what made him the most distressed right after the war. How could a King claiming to unite Rionnach be so willing to spill its blood? And if Prince Jacob truly cared about the people, why would he send an assassin during a celebration? It wasn’t right. Or intelligent, for that matter.

The girl’s final admission, timid and battered, made Aryth’s eyes widen. His ears perked forward and his mouth parted slightly. Of course, his smile had already vanished the moment they started talking of assassination and war. A realization came over him, and he looked truly apologetic as he replied, “Please forgive me, Lady Aurora. I’m so tired, I barely registered why you would have come here. The...nights since the Ball have not been restful ones. But I’m sure your mother would appreciate you wanting to do everything in your power to keep her safe.” Aryth’s understanding of that was entirely theoretical—he couldn’t remember his own parents. “Let’s talk about what you would need to do to get enrolled as a student, shall we?”

code by claerie

11-09-2021, 12:44 PM

Medical Student/Noble

from Rionnach
3 years old
Dew and Neroli

Dream big and dare to fail

His lack of responses were starting to make her feel more uncomfortable, anticipating that a professor would have an endless supply of things to talk about or slot their opinions into. Was it from something she said? Was calling herself Lady something that had pressed a button that made him not want to converse more or the fact she was here at all? Self doubt was like a infection slowly consuming one whole if they got stuck on it long enough instead of pulling themselves out and she was amazing at being stuck in that endless loop of uncertainty no matter how calm she might appear outwardly as she tried to keep that small cordial smile and not cower as she adjusted herself a little in her seat, trying to not look any smaller than she already was. It was difficult though as she felt like even his gaze wasn’t really on her anymore, not that she expected him to hang on her every word or credit it at all.

She felt invisible but was that really anything new? Watched like a hawk by those paid to do so but the moment it was anyone else, well sometimes she just didn’t feel like she existed. It was fine though and she’d attempt at least a little further speaking outside of her comfort level, already feeling a little winded from as much as she has spoken already. Maybe it was just the subject, she did bring up the thing he found boring after all. He made it clear medicine wasn’t in his interest, she should have clung onto something else. Writing that down in her mental notebook, she’d take in a breath and move forward, doing her best to not shut down entirely over something that was likely just failed communication, having such little experience on these matters. If she was to hold any political standing though, she had to get better so the patriarch would stop overlooking her as just a little girl.

Unfortunately the topic change brought out nervous panic in her and she felt even more like a babbling idiot but he seemed to be more focused. Perhaps. It was hard to tell, he looked even more out of it than her mother most nights when she came home from late nights or many days at work. Just another excuse she added to her mental notes to keep her from caving to those inner anxieties.

His agreeance caught her widely off guard and had her actually looking him in the eyes in mild disbelief before a childish smile pulled at her maw causing her head to drip shyly, feeling like she had just been told she did something right; warm praise. It brought a bit of happiness into her heart as her tail swayed subconsciously behind her, peeking back up at him before glancing away. It would die down after a couple seconds as she realized it probably shouldn’t be too surprising that he wasn’t some bloodthirsty ogre, he wasn’t too much bigger than her and didn’t look the type for fights. Though he did not elaborate further so she would drop the conversation piece, feeling like he was putting her in a box yet again.

As she blurted out her real desires, what she really wanted to do with her life, it seemed he suddenly became alive and it caused her to withdraw internally as he took all of it so seriously. She half expected him to dismiss it or make a joke about it or tell her to calm down and that she was being irrational. He did none of the above. Instead he apologized? Nervousness blossomed more and more as he spoke and shifted the topic to enrollment and cold feet started to feel like they were forming abruptly, knowing she’d be yelled at if she actually took such classes. “Oh!” she said quietly, letting out a timid giggle. “It’s kind of you to in-indulge me, Professor A-Ary-Arythmetik. Really. But...erm you al-already said I’m too young and I can’t imagine uncle would be happy if I went away from his choices for m-me... if he found out. I’m only supposed to take p-private lessons,” she said while taking a step back.

“Sorry for wasting your t-t-ti-time and interrupting your chance at rest. I won’t bother you again,” she curtsied and attempted to pardon herself, her eyes feeling a bit damp as they batted away the moisture.

Exit Unless Stopped

code by claerie
11-13-2021, 08:08 AM


4 years old
Pine & Pages

Aryth’s eyes widened, emerald pools which glittered faintly beneath the thin film of exhaustion. His lips parted enough to reveal the edges of white canines. No matter what he said, this fragile creature balked at him. It was also shocking that she denied his offer now, after arguing so ardently that she belonged here. Have I said something wrong again? The scholar was genuinely confused. Maybe he was too tired to understand where he was amiss. For gods’ sake, Aurora even backed away like he was frightening or threatening her. No one had ever treated Aryth like he was intimidating in his entire life. He didn’t know how to react.

By the time the girl was backing away, he registered that she’d started to cry. His russet ears flattened to his skull briefly. Asking her to stay felt inappropriate somehow, especially as he’d already been quite inviting and she obviously didn’t want to be here. (Although he had trouble believing she really wanted to go home, either.) Finally, Aryth settled on a light, friendly response. His voice was soft around the edges as he said, “I hope that’s not true, Lady.” He bowed his head and added, “Feel free to bother me anytime.”

Arythmetik would let the girl leave without protest. But this encounter did nothing to ease his anxieties. If anything, the confusing conversation would steal another night’s sleep.

code by claerie

11-24-2021, 06:38 PM
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