The woman’s philosophy was interesting to say the least. Merrin studied her thoughtfully and then whisked her gaze back out to the direction of the icy stream. Her expression became pensive as she attempted to put herself in the paws of the other, wiling herself to understand this alternate perspective. She glanced back over to meet the female’s silvery gaze as she voiced the question on her mind. “But are you not scared of…how you might die? Or even…what comes afterwards?” @Nyx
T It comes as no surprise the other is curious about these rituals Nyx had mentioned. She hums in thoughtful consideration as she works. "Hm... ones not for the faint of heart or those with weak livers," she answers, moments before casting the spark that would start the small fire. It isn't nearly enough to warm even just her toes, let alone her and her companion, but even so the other woman beams at the sight of it and says it's amazing. At the praise, Nyx lets out a soft huff and averts her gaze. "Thank you, but it is nothing compared to some other fires I've made before," she says, before grabbing a leftover stick and poking at the fire, moving the burning tinder until it is engulfed in flame. There, this should provide some warmth now. @Merrin heroi (err-ee) - "heroes"
Much of what the woman spoke were words unfamiliar and their context a mystery in the moment. This conversation was turning into a rather intriguing one that she felt she would learn quite a lot from. Being sheltered for most of her life had caused her to develop a hunger for educating herself though not for the purpose of simply having the knowledge, but for deeply understanding how other wolves navigated the world she so happened to live in as well. @Nyx
N For a moment, the Hellene muses on how to explain these things in a way that would make sense to an outsider. She stirs the fire and begins speaking, "Close, but not exactly. These are words known in my homeland, Hellas, and though we all acknowledged the same gods, we would differ in our practices." So many different schools of thought, so many different fringe cults, so many different scriptures... yet they were all Hellenes. While some of the concepts Nyx has described were specifically Orphic, these words in particular were known to a wider culture. She tosses the stick into the fire and lets it burn. "An heros is a wolf of legends, descended from the Gods and destined for greatness. When he dies, his soul rests in Elysion, the ultimate paradise," she explains. Silver eyes are trained on the flickering of orange flames, as thoughts drift to the afterlife... she wonders who she will meet there, who she will see again... Merrin's thanks brings her back to this world. The sable femme draws closer to the flame and, by proxy, the wolf of night. She looks significantly more relaxed than she did earlier, and for the first time, Nyx really takes notice of her sweet scent. "So am I. Come here, let us bask in this warmth together," says the fallen prince with a beckoning paw and an inviting smile. @Merrin Hellas (ell-as) - Greece heros (err-os) - hero
Rionnach was proving to hold an eclectic mixture of cultures and it only made the world seem so much larger than she would’ve imagined. Merrin’s curious rounded orbs never left the woman’s face while she further explained the origins of the words she did not fully understand. @Nyx
T But some things are hard to think about, let alone talk about with one who is little more than a stranger. Nyx falls back on old habits when she invites the other woman to come hither, knowing her touch would help to distract her from these thoughts. She had thought she caught a few admiring looks, but if she is mistaken, it would be easy to save herself and her pride. But Merrin does come into her space, her fur damp but her body warm. Nyx hums in response to her thanks, simply savoring the contact while it lasts. Night is falling ever further while the flames blaze brighter. To stoke them or let them eventually burn themselves out... She watches them dance for a few minutes before she parts from her companion. A shake of her midnight coat before she glances towards Merrin. "It is getting late, is it not? Do you have anywhere to be?" she inquires with a slight tilt of her head. @Merrin
In their shared warmth, any light trembling from the lingering chill subsided. The night only darkened further, especially in comparison to the flickering center of heat and light at their feet. Merrin was unsure of how long they remained nestled against each other, merely comforted by the dark wolfess’ presence. It was moments like these that spoke far louder than any that were filled with the resonance of conversation. @Nyx
O After the question is asked, the obsidian prince's attention turns back to the flickering fire. On some strange impulse, she holds a paw over them, so close to the flames — any closer and they'd lick at her flesh, leaving burns in their wake. It's tempting almost, just to feel a little something. She draws her paw back as Merrin seems stricken with realization and hopes she's 'not caused any worry in her absence'. Oh? Nyx looks over with perked ears and a curious glint in those sharp silver eyes. So Merrin does indeed have somewhere to be, someone who must be waiting for her. “Did you have a place to sleep for the evening? If not, I’m certain my traveling companion would be more than pleased to host a guest,” she says. Nyx smiles at that suggestion, imagining for a moment that Merrin's companion could be a beautiful woman. Wouldn't that be nice? To spend the evening with two lovely ladies? Ah, but it could be a man. Now that would be disappointing. Either way, Nyx is in no need of a place to stay the night. "Oh no, these are my waking hours," says the wolf of night, before approaching Merrin once more. Leaning in, she continues, "But you're sweet to offer. Now, I wouldn't want to leave your companion worrying. Will you need an escort? Or..." the back of her paw gently caresses the other woman's foreleg, "perhaps your companion can wait a little longer..." @Merrin
"Waking hours?" Merrin could not hide her surprise to find out that the other woman was of a nocturnal nature. "Is this a quality belonging to the wolves of Hellas? Or is it just a preference?" @Nyx