Fairy Tales.
A smile was adorned on the woman’s face as she strolled along the corridors of the massive establishment, the place overtaken with time but no less bustling and beautiful. Like the stories she stowed away under the merits of more philosophical literature that might stem more meaning and structure for a scholar’s mind, the childish tales of true love, fantasy and passing of wine in the dim moonlight with much merriment were her greatest prize. They had often been her salvation from the strict studies and lack of pious views, a trip away from what was and more into what wasn’t. Torches lighting the halls and bringing a sense of mystic splendor as the flame sputtered and flashed like a thousand fireflies swarming to a single post or perhaps a fountain of pixie dust. A drum of aristocratic voices and political drabble echoing along the chambers followed closely by the happiness of those less stiff on parliament affairs and were more here for their leisure and entertainment or simply some food. It was everything if not what she dreamed her life to have been like as a child, only for it to fall so far away. Nobility meant nothing but a title and maybe respect one did not deserve. Amethysts flickered as she entered a large room once again, peaking past the feathering of her mask; an elegant yet hauntingly beautiful gothic accessory made of an assortment of materials. Petals, leaves and clay crafting the main structure as feathers brought a sense of mystery and a lone bird skull dressed the center of her forehead, ash was brushed along her cheeks to mimic bone. Her ears flickered as she watched the guests for a moment, taking in their varied appearances, many masked from blatant recognition but not all of them were so quick to mask their identities. Frolicking was plenty but sophisticated, some a little more energetic than the masses as they danced while others were far more in tune with the wines and mead that would drunken them. It all still felt like a hazy dream as she was not one to shy away from more frowned upon pleasures, wishing to dive into it all as she waltzed and made merry with some of the patrons. It took little time for her to be swept away into dance and quickly forgetting her whole reason for coming in the first place. Cheerfully laughing while being passed from one partner to the next, wishing to suck out each one’s very essence as they got close then parted ways. Etiquette was not wholly wasted on her, keeping to the beat of a free spirited maiden, though it did not come without looks from more crass individuals that would cause her shrink away ever so slightly and remember just where she was. That scorn, one she knew too well from her budding youth, the reason for her angst as a teen the moment she got a taste of freedom. Those stares only brought it back as she started to drift more toward the edge of the hall. Anger rising up, wishing to see their bodies all painting the castle a beautiful scarlet in the form of a mass sacrifice, a proper offering to the fae and Moon Goddess to sooth the restlessness within the very earth. Maybe lace all the food with poison to watch them fall one by one or all at once like a cult to their unison consumption of punch. Soon she would be loomed over by cracked and weathered stone, glancing up toward where the Royal family resided upon their pedestal as she was passed one last time; going so far as to snag a sprig from the man guiding her steps as she made her way around, staining her lips with the sweet kiss of wine. She recognized the king to some degree, age having sunk in and stole some of his youth but as for the rest, she hadn’t much knowledge of, having never been a fan of politics. Due to her distraction she would suddenly feel herself knock into someone and a wall as her unknown suitor faded back into the crowd, left in a corner of the castle. She canted her head, muzzle just missed grazing the victim to her misstep, nearly leaving a wine stain upon his freshly washed coat of mostly untainted ivory. At least for his sake, let's hope she missed. |
The castle was decorated in a similar gaudy fashion to the masks perched upon the faces of the strangers crowding the hall. Argent did not decorate himself with splendor, deciding that his attendance was enough of a commitment. His face remained bare, earning stares of disapproval from the masked party goers. Some were curious to ask why he did not participate in the masquerade, but they quickly scuttled away when they were greeted with a scowl. He hadn't meant to frighten them away yet didn't apologize when they excused themselves from the surly man brooding in the corner. The former captain was content to survey the crowd in silence, watching out for potential dangers to the king. It worried him, seeing how easy it would be for a rogue Jacobite to strike at him. He had already confirmed with the soldiers about which exits they should watch. All the masks made it difficult to know who was who. Argent even lost track of the king more than once in the crowd. |
It wasn’t until her name was spoken that the masked woman would give any solid recognition to the figure she had crashed into, her ears curving and tipping at the familiar voice and for a moment confusion slid like a fog behind her eyes as she slowly raised her head. Her name was seldom whispered upon the winds as of late, most have long forgotten about her or simply addressed her by a different name altogether; often one she had imparted rather than that of a mistake, though she could not deny the handful of wolves she did not know calling her by her sister’s name within the halls. Nothing uncommon, they did look nearly identical, especially when the only thing most witnessed this day was their pelt. Their largest differentiator being their eye color; her own a soft shade of wisteria like her namesake while her dear twin’s were more of an indigo pansy. It would not take long before those same amethysts would meet that of stormy clouds, leaving her in awe for but a moment before realization kicked in.
A pet that didn’t stay but a favorite nonetheless. At first she wanted to play dumb but the chance he’d think her words true would be quite the surprise on their own. How tempting, however, if he were to believe her. The idea danced in her head for a long moment mixed with the astonishment to see him standing there in the first place. Who was lying to who? If he was no longer a soldier then why would he be standing here as if a guard on duty. Her ears flicked a couple times before she might focus back on Argent. |
It seemed he wasn’t much for riddles and teasing as he was in their last encounter, already making him rather boring as it was more pleasant when he played along with her antics, even if unwillingly. There were no funny looks, no flustering and it just made him appear like every other stiff here. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised as they were in a public populated place now, for him to falter would be him showing more than just her his vulnerability, that meekness that made him who he was deep down inside. Did he hate her? That was the question that was only shown as a haze that flashed over her eyes for a moment as she wanted to bring a hand up to his face and hold it there to stare into his eye indefinitely in hope it brought answers without words. As much as she was a troublemaker, she knew where she should behave and a party such as this was one of them; for one wrong move may be her last as far as the army was concerned. She didn’t trust the army after being attacked while pregnant so long ago, which only brought further oddity as she had kept him alive that night in a place she could have so easily made look like an accident and pleased the fae all at once.
Her thoughts were pulled on a tiny string as his voice broke in, her gaze shifting between him and the crowd, still finding him the most odd one out in this situation. The more she looked at the crowd though, the more she was starting to realize how many of the sideshow were peasants, too much life in their eyes to be anything else. They were the true free ones but it seemed they wanted to be placed in bird cages as she glanced up at the ex soldier that stood here now. He was free and yet he continued to serve, it only solidified as he gave his answer of being a guard instead of pillaging what was given to him for his own pleasures. He was a self made puppet which garnered no sympathy from her. |
She didn’t expect much after her little rundown about the common facade that nobles wore in front of others, both around themselves and around those that looked to them as if any misstep they made would be ruin for them. It wasn’t a fun life but one she had drifted away from time and time again to the point she evaded it altogether before it had caught her again. Amethysts shifted to him with silent appraisal, her lips parting just a little as he seemed to be hypnotized by her presence this time around rather than panicking over every twitch she made. It almost brought a smile back to her face but she could not will it to form in the height of the moment but his question would bring some of the torch glow back into his eyes, no longer entirely hollow.
A smile did surface after he made her aware of his little knowledge of a map he had personally formed within his mindscape about where to go, finding it quite the silly concept. Though she found it more curious that he didn’t question her status at all. Was it not odd to him? She certainly felt out of place but maybe it didn’t appear that way to him. As she asked for him to pull her into the active function that made a ball a ball, she watched as his features grew with a delicious amount of surprise, causing her to giggle because the reaction both confused and entertained her. Though it came full circle when he spoke uncomfortably, making her grin only grow wider. |
The offer of an escape route seemed to both amuse her and encourage her interest in him. A dark ear flicked, features hardening once more as his offer to assist her was playfully turned against him. Her playful words didn't fluster him as it had before. He was expecting her to try to get a reaction from him, but he would not give it to her. This job, even temporary as it was, was simply too important to him to put at risk. I'm needed here, he stated firmly, grey eyes showing how resolute in his desire he was to stay until the end of the night when the castle finally closed its doors. Maybe it was paranoia, but he was expecting some trouble. It wouldn't surprise him. All it took was a loud obnoxious drunk to start a fight or for the king's enemies to use the ball as a platform for their chaos. All the more reason that he needed to be vigilant. |
Her playful banter of trying to drag him away with her was quickly declined, causing her to look at him with a bitterness deep within her gaze, knowing he wasn’t a joker but he could have at the very least played along a little rather than shutting her down. Offering help yet not even providing a different kind of outlet beyond leaving entirely, it made her start to think he only saw her as a mischief maker. Which she was as of late but she knew better than to act out more than she already was doing, especially when so many eyes knew of her here, her parents holding too much status for her to create a scene without everyone in the process dying. As tempted as it was, poisoning every single organism here wasn’t something she could pull off this late into the ball, she lacked the means and leaving to come back wouldn’t likely be met well. Maybe it was something else, she wasn’t fully sure and she wasn’t sure why it was bothering her so much but it made her want to be wicked if only to prove him right by making him underestimate just how much chaos she could cause. She would let it simmer though, for now.
Argent was a former soldier that valued the king highly, she remembered that much, she would decide to take his answer at face value rather than anything personal. He wasn’t a monster but those loyal to a make believe crown tend to be irrational in protecting someone they don’t even know over those that were in reach. So maybe it did make him a monster in a way because his eyes were studded for a man of a throne with countless personnel to protect them over the ones that had no one at all. She was insignificant even as a noble it seemed. How very cold. It was the second push away that took any bit of enthusiasm in seeing him here away, the smile vanishing and any light quickly fading as she stopped the fur from bristling up along her spine, unable to do anything that crossed her mind in that moment. When she had asked for the dance initially he had not said he couldn’t, he simply said he didn’t know how, which didn’t add up. The light buzz wasn’t enough to push back the bite as she swallowed and took a few steps away, itching to disappear into the crowd before the feeling that blossomed could consume her every thought. Surprise would cross her features when he’d try to start small banter with her, now even more confused on what was going on in this man’s head. |