ooc – for my reference; backdated BEFORE the garden thread
Danya had set out by himself for a few hours, wanting to explore a little of the area that he had found himself in, on the way to the King’s castle, and thus the gardens that he had heard upon the wind’s whispers. The place, a place of rolling hills, and plains that stretched towards the horizon was a new one for him. He was accustomed to mountainous and tundras and places of severe cold and winds. He’d seen beaches, and forests that went for miles, but he had yet to see such a wide-open expanse that stretched seemingly from horizon to horizon. He felt exposed, vulnerable even which was not a sensation that the man was accustomed to. He felt small in the expanse, but even so, it was still dotted – like many of the other places – with ruins that he could see small, distant figures moving in. As he breached a hill and paused to look around, he could see many things. Still more plains, but hills that rose and fell in the land, breaking up the monotonous flatness. In some places, he could see larger ruins that he assumed were populated, but he could see paths and areas that looked… well, not populated but at the very least visited. The paths snaked up and over the hills, following their edges to go around, and split the grasses that seemed to come almost to his shoulders in places. Danya licked his lips, relishing for a moment in feeling like a king atop the hill. Perhaps, perhaps one day he could be, but… today was not that day. He had a goal, aspirations here – to be a kingpin, unchallenged in the game of holding a brothel. But he had to find others to be part of it. A brothel was not a singular whore, but several, everyone knew that. A ghost of a smile touched one corner of his lips, twitching it for a moment before his features fell to a neutral expression. He started down the other side of the hill, heading towards a path that slowly meandered through a sea of grass, noting as he went downhill that some of the grass swayed in a way, unlike the rest. There, he presumed, would be someone to question, or… whatever the First had in mind for him to do on this occasion. Danya started down the path, and as he grew closer to the swaying path that came towards him in turn, he called out. |
T Already he's feeling way out of his element. Normally he spends time in the woods where the shadows of the trees can help him be more stealthy (although really it just makes him feel safer and more secure). Here, it's all open. Sure he could sort of hide in the grass, but he has to really crouch down and make sure his ears or tail don't stick up too far. He's already regretting his decision, but walks along anyway. Maybe he'll find something worth his time. Food or company, either one works for him. It seems he isn't so lucky on the food side when he starts to hear some rustling noises and another voice coming from the top of the path. Exactly why he prefers the woods, he can't be properly stealthy here. "Hellooo… whoever you are," he says back and can't help but laugh at how stupid they both sound. If this was a cave, he'd make a point to talk all spooky like while his voice echoes off the walls. Unfortunately he can't make that effect here and it's slightly disappointing. Ace emerges from the grass to get a better look at who this stranger is. His coat and bright eyes remind him of winter. "What's a blue-eyed wonder like you doing out here?" he asks with a smile, coming to stand a little closer. He will probably always think fondly of Vic with his eyes of fire, but Ace is also a sucker for anyone with blue eyes. "Speaking."
It did not take long for a voice to echo back at him, in a tome that admittedly made Danya smirk. Whoever it was, clearly had some sense of humor. Although Danya himself could not attest to his own sense of humor, he could at least recognize when something was childishly funny. The tone that the stranger used was a childish one at best. It was comical, truly. Danya hoped that it would be funny, and informative. It would if the man played his cards right.
And then, as the grasses parted, they were face-to-face. Danya was quiet for a second as he took in the dark earthen hue of the stranger’s features. His head canted to the side, ears twitching as the stranger spoke once more. @Ace 279 words |
K "Ah a newbie, eh?" he replies with a smile. "That was me not too long ago." Then he's called out for lurking in the grass and he can't fault the guy for being a little suspicious. Times were tough these days. "My stomach was growling, so I was kind of hoping I'd find a rabbit or something out here. Slim pickings it seems," he answers nonchalantly and, as if on cue, his stomach growls audibly. His ears fall back as he pretends to feel a little embarrassed. Before the man can possibly question his actions more, Ace tries to use what he thinks to be his infamous handsome smile. "Say, I could show you around sometime? If you need a tour anyway." Although he had been lying about the hunting, his offer is genuine. He wouldn't mind spending an evening with some good company. "Speaking."
It would seem that his admittance to being new to the kingdom perked the other’s interest. Danya tilted his head slightly to the side at this, curious as to why it piked the man’s interest so much.
@Ace 380 words |