A wave of cold breeze passed over the man, making him shiver but not quiver in his steps on the tall, rolling hills. Snow blanketed the plains, engulfing the greenery that used to be here. It didn't seem to stop the amount of wolves hovering among the stretched out land. The snow that crunched underfoot, wasn't more than enough to dampen Lex's ankles, but just enough to make it slippery. Rarely, did the man ever leave the Mainlanders. He'd barely explored outside of what he knew; the Red Wood and Castle Stuart. Edinburgh had only been familiar for one reason. It happened to be the reason he was traversing through the high hills. Baelfire; a man he'd known from the start of his adventure in Rionnach. It'd been a little since he'd seen the man. Winter had imposed a stark loneliness in the male. It wasn't like he couldn't call for Grigori and get his thirst for warmth and company quenched. But, there was something about being near a friend. Somewhere he didn't have to think so much about the random, intrusive thoughts that ran rampant in his head. They were quieter in the hills. Maybe, it was because he didn't have to think so much. It was just easier, to be up high, to be where the air is crisp and fresher than he'd ever really known it to be. Before he entered the land from the borders, he stood upon one of the hills and took a deep breath. Exhaling, he started forward.
Trotting down one of the hills, Alexei gave a few chuffs, a call to his friend who frequented the town he grew up in. After a few steps forward, he sat down and decided to wait for his friend. His tail curled around his side and he looked up to the sky, clouds keeping the sun hidden from them. The clouds were light though, letting it appear as if it was a nice day behind the cold clouds. The man let out a soft sigh and looked to the snow below, pressing one paw into it before taking it away and looking to what was left. There had been snow where he was from, in the late winter they would get a dusting or two, but never as much as here. There had been a few feet of snow on the ground at one point and Alexei stayed inside for the most part, trying to keep warm in the freezing temperatures. The Red Wood protected the russet man from getting too cold, tall trees keeping the snow out for the most part. He was just glad to have a den that was well-dug and kept the cold out with it's ivy curtains. Alexei once again, looked up, waiting for his one-eyed friend to come along. |
Baelfire had not been far when he heard Alexei's calls. His tail raised and waved behind him as he changed course and headed through the tall grass to meet with his friend. He hadn't had a friend other than Sorcha in... well, ever if he didn't count his little brother. It had been a few weeks of seeing him off and on and Baelfire had to say that he rather enjoyed the other male's company. It was nice to have a 'guy' to talk to about some stuff that Sorcha might not be interested in. Of course, he knew he could talk to her about anything if he truly wanted to. His cheeks warmed slightly as he thought of her and the urge to tell Alexei about finally telling her how he felt was pressing. He hadn't gotten a chance to introduce them yet, but they both at least knew of the other's existence thanks to Baelfire talking about them to the other. “Hey!” he shouted as he topped a small hill, spotting his friend seated near the bottom. A mischievous look crossed his face and he narrowed his single green eye. If Alexei saw the look, perhaps he would have time to prepare. Alas... if he hadn't been paying attention, he was doomed as Baelfire shot down the hill towards the other man at full speed. Within seconds their bodies would collide if the other did nothing. He planned to tackle him to the ground. “Baelfire speaking” |
There was a track of paw-steps in the snow behind him. The clouds overhead let a few flurries drop from the sky, gradually burying the trail that he had left. A few calls from the citizens were heard. It seemed children playing and guards patrolling were in no short supply. Different from how he’d come up. His community had been smaller. But as he glanced from the few women out and taking care of the children whilst tending to their herb beds, it looked much like where he grew up. A stream flowing not far off. A modest smile worked its course onto the fellow’s lips. It was rare he exhibited emotion, but this hit close to home. It had likewise been where Baelfire had been raised. How peculiar, two similar upbringings, but ultimately disconnected in terms of distance. As if the devil had heard him, his friend’s bellowing voice was heard from across the field. Alexei’s tinted ears lifted but his eyes did not move, caught in a stare at the way life was here. For a hurried moment, his head tipped. He could move here and form a home. But he’d left behind his fatherlands to maintain a fresh life. Create his own adventure. That was his purpose. The Redwood was where he belonged. He just knew it.
The man hears his companion’s larger steps far too late to move out of the way. Before he knew it; Baelfire was upon him. Alexei’s purple eyes enlarged, but saw the grin on his lips. Then was the greeting of the frigid ground. It wasn’t as harsh as an impact as Alexei was bracing for; muscles tensed and eyes clamped shut. The snow softened his fall. Violet eyes peer from the white terrain as he moved underneath Baelfire’s bigger form. He should be bothered, scared even. He hadn’t had a wolf come full force towards him since the last time his life had been in danger. He should feel the closing bite of a wild, deranged wolf around his neck - but in the face of all his fears. A child-like emotion comes over him, and he laughs. Maybe it’s because all around them is the familiar feeling and noises of the commune he was raised in. Or maybe he’s just becoming more at peace with himself and his past. |
As they collided, Baelfire felt like a kid again. He remembered tumbling in these hills with his brother, Beltane, and he sorely missed those times. He was all grown now and Beltane was gone. He felt the sharp nip of Alexei’s teeth and let out a laugh as he managed to wriggle out of his grasp. “Why, yes it is. This is called the Edinburgh hello!” he said, his tone teasing and not at all serious. He hadn’t felt this upbeat in a while. Sure, there were times where he felt good but since he and Sorcha had gotten together he felt especially euphoric. He hoped the feeling would last forever (even though he knew it wouldn’t.) “I’m great. I—I… you know that girl I talk about… like way too much?” he said, his smile growing wider. “I finally worked up the courage to ask her out and she said yes! Can you believe that? If I didn’t know she was smart I’d question her, cause next to her this ugly mug isn’t quite as pretty.” he said, his words ending with a laugh. He hoped he could share in this boiseterous moment with Alexei; it was the kind of things he would have talked to his brother about if they had stayed together. It was nice to have something akin to the feeling of brotherhood again. “Baelfire speaking” |
There was a weight that was lifted off the usually tense wolf. Here, there wasn't truly anything expected of him. In the presence of a new environment and a friend, it was easy to let go of what ailed him. Easily put, it was just easy to be. As the two tumbled, like old friends would, caught in nips and soft laughter of what felt like lost time of childhood, Baelfire's voice caught him in the inevitable fall of their greeting. It was custom to greet friends like this. All the more reason to remind him of home, of how he also used to greet those he was close to. Alexei finally pulled himself up and shook his coat out, which sent a small amount of flurries tossing everywhere and caused him to sneeze from the snow that touched his nose.
‘I-I’m great. I-I…’ Before he can even get the chance to close his eyes, they are pried open by reality. He’s often caught in the dream space of reality and the deep realms of his own mind. ‘You know that girl I talk about… like way too much?’ Alexei could barely get the chance to glance back to his gleaming friend before he started again, eyes wide with excitement and hope, it even caused Alexei’s tail to give a small wag behind him. To see his friend in such high spirits; it was enough to make him joyful as well. Baelfire explained to him the events that had happened and how he had grown a little more whilst Alexei was finding his way to Edinburgh. ‘Can you believe it?’ Of course he could, the red man couldn’t find his way to interject in conversation, but nodded just in case it was indeed, a doubt that Baelfire had gotten the girl. Lexi waved his paw at the one-eyed man when he started to make comments about himself. |
“It's a good place to grow up...” he said with a smile. If Alexei's home was anything like his, he assumed the man missed it at least somewhat. Then again, he had left it behind so perhaps he didn't miss it too much at all. They hadn't really talked much about his past, or where he was from honestly. Baelfire didn't mind, he figured if Alexei wanted to tell his story, he would. As the conversation turned to his news, Alexei was all to eager to celebrate. “Of course I can believe it!” he exclaimed, and Baelfire's eyes widened, as did his smile. A laugh escaped him and he shook his head. “That’s wonderful, Baelfire. It’s no wonder she’d say yes. Where are you two going?” He had thought for sure Sorcha would have just laughed him off or asked to remain friends, but she hadn't and somehow they were together now. He was glad someone seemed as happy about it as he did. “I don't know, man. Hopefully somewhere good.” he said. They had their differences but he felt like they were nothing compared to the love he felt for her. A soft sigh escaped him and he looked to Alexei before nudging him with his shoulder. “Hey, let's go on a hunt so I can pretend I caught something nice all on my own. Help a guy out,” he said jokingly before turning and bounding toward the hills. exit via hunting? <3 “Baelfire speaking” |
'It's a good place to grow up.' Along with the words comes images of his own mother and father, the neighbors that watched over his rambunctious siblings, and last of all, Moira. He never falls to miss them as well. They seemed to be the biggest loss until the depths of hell opened and released a new one into the sailor's heart. It had blocked him for some time... but it was all gone now. He'd healed into a new, better version of himself.
Baelfire concluded the conversation with his soft confirmation for the future, a hope. And for his friend, he hoped that too. It had been awhile since Alexei could trust anyone. Yet, it feels with Baelfire that he does not even have to think when he speaks. That he does not have to analyze every word in hopes for it to come out right. It just... does. |