sonder winter 1711

They say hold on to the ones you love

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from Rionnach
5 years old
she has little innocent demons inside her eyes—
Her and Kenzo weren't on the same level as what they used to be, it was no surprise, really. It seems that unfortunate events were stacked up and knocked down like dominos ever since her brother was rescued after the end of the war. He'd grown distant, but Ryker also didn't attempt to prevent that from happening. Instead, she was leaning into the few moments she spent with one of the last wolves on earth she'd ever imagine herself being in the same space as. Lenora was far from the expecting she'd first had for the half blooded sibling, but she was still nothing compared to her brothers,to Kenzo especially. With everything that's transpired in the past months, Ryker knows she is no good company for someone who is likely to be easily set off, to someone who is waging war in his own mind and not quite allowing reenforcements to alleviate the turmoil.

Despite terrible circumstances, there is one, or rather two, good things to come of it all. Two tiny creatures, hardly able run without tumbling and never ceasing to stop quiet little bubbles of giggles—atleast, from what she could hear every so often when she dropped off various items for her brother and sister in law. There was one instance where she was able to fully encounter one of the girls, her niece—her blood—, and since then she's found little reasons to visit more often. This time, however, she's not met with giggling or tiny paw steps, she's met with silence. She assumes the girls and their mother are sleeping, or perhaps eating, and she begins to make her way out of the house. Her steps are lighter, not wanting to disturb anyone. Amethysts happen to flash across the door to her brother's office, cracked open just so. She continues walking by, until her paws freeze and she makes a split decision to pivot and prop a paw between the door and its frame, snaking her way in as she clears her throat. She follows traces of his days activities, until she lands on him in nook of a corner, by a window. "I brought along some more furs for the—" she pauses briefly, correcting what she says. "for you all, im sure theyll be appreciated when winter is finally here." her words are clear and clean cut, but not harsh or hostile. She's waiting for the moment she should turn and make her exit, still not able to gauge her brother's mood.

"the venom"
—and they recklessly play with matches
code // art
11-20-2024, 04:03 PM
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