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As they walked, the memories came flooding back. The vast amount of times she would stay out most of the night; claiming that she was "trying to find the fae", when in reality, she was just trying to escape. She would search for miles, miles until she could find a clearing, a vast mountain-crop, or anywhere where she could be bathed in the moonlight. To soothe her worries and troubles and wishing for a better life... And now, she had. “Personally, I agree with you.” How it made her heart flutter against her ribcage, mirroring his smile. How her sorrow seemed to fade at that moment, like throwing away an old cowl. “People who never question anything frustrate me. The purpose of life is to make new discoveries. She could not agree more! That moment, right there, only proved how much she did indeed belong within the College, amongst wolves that were like minded. “Why do some wolves blindly follow things they literally cannot see, when far more interesting possibilities are right beneath their noses?” A soft sigh fell from her lips. "I don't know, they lack the courage to follow their hearts... or so desperately want to belong to something," Brows furrowed as she murmured softly. "To someone." “I hope I don’t sound too preachy. They are your parents, after all, I don’t want to be crass.” Her bright gaze found his own, shaking her head in response. "Nah, it's ok." She offered a small smile, aiming to brush her side against his. "Thanks," It was perhaps a bold move, surely awkwardness would cling to her, but she could not help herself-nor did she feel the need to refrain, she felt comfortable with him. It was a strange sensation. One that she had not felt before. "It's...this. Is great." Ah, way to make it awkward! template © bean @Arythmetik |
![]() A R Y T H M E T I K
Morrowen’s insight spoke to her potential as a budding professor. Desperation to belong: that was a fascinating theory, and as surely as Highlanders (and, to a lesser extent, all residents of Rionnach) were consumed by tradition, there was a desperation about them. It was labeled as stubbornness but it was desperation, too. No one was free from it. Aryth was just as guilty of desperately wanting to fit in. Not with his peers, necessarily, but with his vision of himself. He wanted so dearly to become a great professor and to help his country, he was forcing himself to pursue medicine. Maybe that’s just not what he was meant to do.And Wendy was brilliant enough to make little observations like that. Here he was, worried that he was offending her, when he should have been more focused on the strange, warm, but comforting tension that sizzled between them. His gaze snagged on her violet eyes and he was caught off-guard as she shyly brushed against him. The ends of his fur curled with her touch and he grinned awkwardly. It was his turn to glance down at the dirt path they walked through the woods. But he didn’t pull away. Unaware of her own insecurities, Aryth leaned a fraction closer, aiming a friendly nudge at her flank. @Morrowen |
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A soft hum, a paused thoughtfulness passed through dainty lips. How wrong it should feel to speak against her Parents, against the rules and restrictions she had been raised upon. How insulted she should be. But alas, she felt nothing. Nothing to them, no allegiance, no bubbling, glorious, righteous anger. No, that was how she knew that she did not belong. Not to them. Not to their ways. But it did not mean that they did not plague her mind. They were family, but in the end... not her own. But here, now. Was a fresh start, a new opportunity, to find herself and perhaps... find that family she had always craved to belong within. Yet her worries seemed to melt away at the slightest touch from the man she barely knew, how could it be that she felt so... comforted by a stranger? So at ease within his prescience? It was unfathomable. But it was exciting and new. It drew her in like a moth to a flame. “Good. I’m...glad.” She tried her best to remain calm, to appear friendly. But she could not help the small hitch in her breath as he lingered closer. Awkwardness soon rolled over her and vanquished that strange feeling, violet eyes fluttered as she cleared her throat. "Hm... perhaps w-we shoud hm, head back?" Words tumbled from her maw so quickly, they sounded almost scared. Yet she realised, stiffening her stance with eyes wide. "N-not that I don't enjoy your company!" Way to ruin it, Wendy! A frustrated sigh whispered from her lips, whispering into the cold night air. A wince creased the ebon sides of her maw, wishing oh so impatiently to take back the words she had just spoken. "Its just that.. its getting late." Another nervous laugh bubbled from her chest, forcing her pace to pick up slightly quicker. If he agreed, then perhaps they would walk back in awkward silence. How her mind spun woeful tales of how he would react... perhaps he would never speak to her again! Perhaps they should just avoid each other forever. Snap out of it Wendy! - Exit Wendy, unless stopped.- template © bean @Arythmetik |