sonder winter 1711
Serenity Falls
Soothing symphony of cascading water sings out over the landscape, a siren’s call to lure all toward tranquility for beneath these thundering falls lies serenity. Pools so crisp and clear one can see every detail nestled underfoot: the smooth rocks and gently weaving sea grass, the fish which scatter from their touch, the treasures given back to nature in silent thanks. All in hopes to be granted its blessing for these crystalline waters are rumored to possess healing properties. A cure all for whatever ails the body and soul, one only need to bathe within its embrace or indulge in a simple drink. Tales attract the weary and desperate, healers from foreign lands yet all seek the very same thing - rejuvenation and hope to mend where other remedies have failed.
and may my soul be soothed
by Cicero, 12-10-2024, 02:39 PM

last post by Cicero, 12-10-2024, 02:39 PM
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